SELF BELIEF ◇ Building Your Self Esteem


Hello everyone. Hope all is well. To believe means to accept that something or someone is true or real. It also means having confidence, trust and faith. In the world we are in today, we deal with being vulnerable, uncertainty and even failure especially when we have something to do for ourselves.


We should not that not everyone's idea will work for us. We should learn to stand on our own, take decisions and believe that we ca do what we set to do in our minds. Always remember that you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you.

Another thing to note is that self esteem reflects someone's emotional evaluation of his or her worth. This evaluation can be positive or negative that is high or low self esteem.

As Christians, we should maintain a balanced self esteem. A high self esteem can be related to pride and arrogance and a low self esteem can be described as timidity and fear. Remember, the Lord resists the proud and gives grace to the humble and at the same time, God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind.

It is important to note that self confidence can help us achieve our goals on the long run. Do not let anyone speak less of you. Never lose belief, never entertain fear and you will realize that the sky is your starting point.

Thanks so much for reading
I remain my humble self @oredebby
