Our pilgrimage on Earth


Jeremiah 51:50; You who have escaped the sword, depart and do not linger! Remember the LORD from far away, and let Jerusalem come to mind.

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As Christians it is important that we do keep our Jerusalem in mind at all times that way we are reminded of the fact that we have a destination which we seek to reach and that all other things are just mere distractions or luxuries along the way. We are travelers or nomads on the journey through earth to our Jerusalem.

We ought to keep our focus and not linger, for we do not belong here and surely the world makes sure to remind us of that everyday, if only we would open our eyes to see and our ears to hear. Our Jerusalem is thus the Kingdom of heaven where Christ has gone to prepare for us and will be coming back to take those who are his there.

So the question is are you a citizen of the heavenly or earth? Which status do you prefer, to be a traveler here or there. The decision is yours to make but remember choose you this day whom you will serve but as for me and my house hold we will serve the Lord our God.

