God's Plan


Romans 12:2; Do conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God, what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.

Image by Larissa of Pixabay

The World we live in today has lots of information permeating every nook and crevice, should one allow him or herself, their path will be chosen and directed in ways that are not meant for them, in ways that God had not plan for them.

Everything happens for a reason and the people that comes into our lives comes for a reason, everything is part of God's plan for us but for this grand plan to come together we need to do right by the Lord and abide by his commandments.

There is one way to get it done easily and much more simpler and that to ask yourself the question, will God approve of what i am doing? I am doing what is right in the sight of God? Am i following through with the commandments as per Christian standards?

If the answers to this are yes, then surely we must be doing the right thing and we can relax even as we wait for God's plan to play out in our lives.

