

Mark 16:17, They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

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As Christians we believe in the second coming of the Lord, we believe that Christ indeed came to die for us and do believe in all the countless miracles recorded in the scriptures. We also do believe in the promises that Christ made us to keep us with him and to provide all our needs.

And yet still we tend to fear, we choose which parts of the scriptures to vehemently stick to and believe with every fiber of our being, the immortality after life and all the other goodies but then we forget about the part where we are to recover from sickness and not be hurt by serpents and wild beast.

It tends to raise lots of question marks on our believes if we are truly 100% in with the Christian faith and with God. What we ought to do is just believe every single word in the scripture and not discriminate based on what we are comfortable with.

May the Lord help us to believe fully and be better Christians that we may be able to work with the word and apply it in our daily lives becoming doers and not just readers or listeners. Thanks for reading and have nice week.

