Fear the Lord your God


Fearing God is what all Christians should do. But God does not want us to be terrified of him, rather he wants us respect, value, honor and love him.

The love is translated as fear because it is reverential and and worshipful. Fearing him is just as falling in love with God.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10

Fearing God means keeping God's commandments that's why Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments.

Fearing God should not be an eye service, don't do it for people to see by bowing in adoration and worshipping him.



God knows and sees our hearts, he knows the intents of our hearts, he knows those who are truly his and does who are not.

So therefore beloved, whether people are there with you or not, fear God. In the secret and in the open, fear God and wisdom shall be yours.

When you fear God, wisdom shall be yours, being wise is being obedient to his word, not to be foolish and ignorant of his commandments.

When you fear God, you are securing your life on earth and in eternity. When you fear God, your life will be preserved.

When you fear God, you will be safe and secured. You will have nothing to worry about, because you've feared him, then he won't allow anything bad happen to you.

Thank you
