Get rid of all bitterness, give your gaze to Christ!


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

People are perfect creation made by God marked by original sin which leads us to perdition and gnashing of teeth, each of us also has a different personality, tastes and gifts that make each person a special and unique being. Thus the Lord in his infinite mercy, knowing that we have been affected by the evils that sin entails, gave Moses a Decalogue of laws known as the ten commandments of the law of God that allows us to conduct our lives according to his purposes (Exodus 20).

Jesus Christ came to announce the Kingdom of God and his justice in which one of the benefits that participating as disciples of God gives us is his forgiveness and mercy, with the condition of changing our old and tired heart humiliated by sin. in a new heart attentive to fulfilling the will of the Lord by becoming a new creature in Christ that allows us to leave behind all bitterness, quarrels, dignities, slander even if it comes from our worst enemies. The key to everything is forgiveness, forgiving ourselves and forgiving others, leaving judgment in the hands of God. This releases us and strengthens our faith.

It is not an easy task, but we read in the scriptures "What is impossible for man is possible for God.(Luke 18:27)"

Let us ask the Lord for the humility to accept us and accept others with his gifts and weaknesses that allows us to give our testimony of the risen Christ by being spokesmen for his truth and bringing his peace.



To end, here I include the message that the Golden Censer that has given me today, a verse from the Ephesians´ letter:


Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Ephesians 4:31 NIV

[screenshot @felixgarciap]

Receive my affection and blessings.


Connect with HeartChurch

In the HeartChurch community we have technological tools and spiritual guidance available in which an outstanding place is represented by the contributions of its members and the power to share musical expressions with the psalms that lead us to share the love of Christ beyond our borders.

In order to achieve this, the HeartChurch community has launched THE CHALLENGE OF EMPOWERING A COMMUNITY,being its start date the next Sunday, May 24, 2020 (Week 1). The purpose of this challenge is to empower the community by strengthening the bonds of friendship and community work among its members, calling for the participation of people and friends who may be interested in participating as members of the community.

We continue to Reach to the World

I am proudly a #Heartchurch member.

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Information about Telos Blockchain and Golden Censer

As part of the daily promotion of #heartchurch, the parishioner has the help of the Golden Censer who in addition to providing Hearts nourishes the believer with a verse from the Bible.

So with the support of the Holy Spirit the believer meditates and prays with the blessings given daily by the Golden Censer. In order to receive this blessing, you must have a Telos account and an account with the extension .jc, which must be previously authorized by Heartchurch.

Telos allows you to create a free account and makes available an official Sqrl wallet. However, you can purchase a free Telos account through the @Heartchurch form with suffix .jc, who assign you, among other things, the cpu and net necessary for the operation. Register here

If you want to know more details, we invite you to read the blog written by the Telos Foundation in the following link:


Forgiveness and mercy sets us free and strengthens our faith.
Tremendous reflection of yours my dear friend.
Thanks for this post.


forgiveness free our mind and free our heart and bring it ease.
