A time of prayer!


But he would go to desert places, and pray.
Luke 5:16
King James Version (RVR1960)

Imagen source

In the Gospel of Luke in chapter 5, we find a series of events about the beginning of the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, there we find the power of the Holy Spirit that supports the ministry of Jesus.

When the Lord came to the Galilee region and went to various villages in that region, he focused his ministry on preaching the gospel of God, casting out demons from possessed people, and healing the sick. However, the Lord was careful to maintain intimacy with the Father. In this sense, he got up very early in the morning, went to the desert and prayed.

Intimacy with the Father was very important to Jesus. There he received revelation from the Father and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When he returned from the wilderness of fellowship with God, then the power of the Holy Ghost was greater over the life of Jesus, and he preached with such grace and ease that people marveled at his doctrine. In the same way, the unclean spirits when they left the town, recognized that Jesus was the Son of God.

Praying is vital in the believer's life. Today we face great challenges that require the Christian to dedicate valuable time to communion with the Father and be free from many temptations that Satan wants to drag us to regret the situation of chaos in which humanity lives.

In prayer, God reveals to us what we should do and guides us in his word. There is important time to pray and speak to God. We must imitate our Lord Jesus Christ and seek a solitary place to have communion with the Father. This is the secret of victory over the time of crisis that we are experiencing.
