The reality of the new testament part 2


Christ is the fulfillment of the law, Christ was the target of the law, the law was not looking for man because man already was conceived in sin, but Christ was not a sinner.


Sin and sinner are two differences things, sin is God's enemy, that is why God's attitude toward sin is not favor, but God's attitude toward sinners is favour. For the grace that bringeth salvation had appear unto all men.

God's will for everyone is that man be save, God didn't create sin, sin is strange to God, that God cannot uses sin to as a tool to punish someone, God hate sin but God loves all sinners.

The predeterminate or cancel of God is shown in the love He express towards us by giving His only son to dead for our sake. The death of Jesus put an end to the law, Jesus didn't just received our sin but Jesus tool away our sin. When Jesus said it is finish, the finish there means=>> to fully paid for. So Jesus paid for our sin is full.
=>>Colossian 2:14 down

Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, all that man receive from God is blessing, the new testament is the fulfillment of all that that law from us, everything about the new testament is in the death, sacrifice and the life of Jesus, unlike the old testament that was in ink and letters.

The testament in in Christ, we are the new testament, we are justify,accepted, sanctified by all the suffering of Christ. We the justification of Jesus Christ.... Romans 4:25

Key factors of the both testament

In the old testament all David sin is recorded in the book of chronicles and psalm, but in the new testament there is no record of sin. David was found righteous in the new testament. The only thing that the blood of Jesus provides in the new testament is a good report.

Hebrews 8:12-13...the very essence of the new testament is according to this scripture is i will remember no more.

Stay blessed, think Christ
