Show Me A Photo Contest Round 27// Como que he visto un lindo pajarito.// I kind of saw a cute little bird.. ESP-ENG

Hola amigos que nos gusta los emplumados, que bueno que hay esta comunidad especialmente para ellos o para que nosotros dejemos esas fotos que tomamos de ellos.
Hello friends that we like the feathered ones, how nice that there is this community especially for them or for us to leave those photos that we take of them.


En las mañanas en mi casa se escucha a veces el canto de los pajaritos, salgo al patio y ahi siempre estan en la casa de la vecina, en un arbol, cuyas ramas estan sin hojas pero no esta seco, porque luego pasados los meses esta con hojas.
In the mornings in my house sometimes I hear the song of the birds, I go out to the patio and there they are always in the neighbor's house, in a tree, whose branches are without leaves but not dry, because after the months it is with leaves.


Con hojas o no en las ramas, llegan muchos pajaritos de varias especies, tamaños y colores, a veces uno solo, o llegan en grupos.
With or without leaves on the branches, many birds of various species, sizes and colors arrive, sometimes just one, or they arrive in groups.


Me asombra es como se pueden sostener en esas ramas delgadas y debiles en esas patitas, pro me encanta verlas volar, libres a miabuelita no le gusta que los pajaros esten en jaulas, por eso nunca ha tenido ni loritos para no encerrarlos, si nacieron libres, que sigan siendo libres.
It amazes me how they can hold on to those thin branches and weak in those little legs, but I love to see them fly, free. My grandmother does not like the birds to be in cages, that is why she has never had even parrots so as not to lock them up, if they were born free, let them continue to be free.



It is great to wake up with bird songs. ☺
Nice shots.


Hi @nayita238! Great photos of some 'top branch birds'! I love to hear the early morning singing of the birds also. 😊
