Quail Illustration in Digital Art


Hello my beautiful people !!!

Good morning, I bring you a cute quail which I draw in digital art in the Paint.net program combined with the Paint program.

"The common quail (Coturnix coturnix) is a species of galliform bird of the Phasianidae family widely distributed throughout Euraphrasia. It is a small and plump bird, although with long wings, which allow it to fly long distances adapted to its nomadic life and its migrations between continents. Their plumage is mainly brown with ocher and black veining (the only difference between the two sexes is that the males have a whitish throat with a black anchor on the light background, which the females do not have). This makes this bird almost imperceptible, as its colors confuse it with the ground. The males have a trisyllabic song similar to a pa-pal-la and the females a kind of beep. It is a plump bird with a short tail and small size, measuring between 18 and 22 cm long and weighing between 91–131 g.4 Unlike other galliforms, quails have long, narrow wings adapted to long-distance flights. Its plumage is of brown tones, darker in the upper parts and very light in the lower parts; with ocher, whitish and black veining."

Source:Texto tomado de google

Use the google translate translator.




Final Process

Use the tools that the Paint.Net program offers me, especially its effects.

