"The Ponderosa. In praise of the way we were [ESP-ING]

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Hoy les quiero hablar de “la Ponderosa”, ese fue el nombre que, en son de juego, los sobrinos de mi mamá, le colocaron a la casa que hace más de 50 años construyó para vivir con sus cinco hijos.

Mi mamá, su bisabuela, recientemente se despidió de este plano terrenal, comenzó a construir la casa cuando tenía como 32 años. Había quedado viuda, vivíamos en Caracas, la capital del país y toda su familia estaba residenciada en Maracay, capital del estado Aragua, por lo que la escogió para vivir en ella. Maracay para ese entonces era como muy pueblo y su población era baja.

En esta pequeña ciudad encontró un gran terreno que le gustó y que siempre lo visualizó como lo que es hoy en día, una aldea donde cada uno de sus cinco hijos, fabricarían sus viviendas manteniendo a la tribu unida. La casa materna es grande, está ubicada en el centro del terreno y tiene espacios comunes que cada hijo y sus respectivas familias han podido disfrutar.

Today I want to talk to you about "La Ponderosa", that was the name that my mother's nephews and nieces gave to the house that she built more than 50 years ago to live in with her five children.

My mother, her great-great-grandmother, recently said goodbye to this earthly plane and began to build the house when she was about 32 years old. She had been widowed, we lived in Caracas, the capital of the country, and all her family lived in Maracay, capital of Aragua state, so she chose to live there. Maracay at that time was a very small town and its population was low.

In this small city she found a large piece of land that she liked and always visualized it as what it is today, a village where each of her five children would make their homes keeping the tribe together. The mother's house is large, located in the center of the land, and has common spaces that each son and their respective families have been able to enjoy.

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Cuando comenzó a construir la casa yo tendría como 9 años y mis hermanos rondaban la misma edad, pues estábamos muy seguidos, quizás se puedan imaginar a estos cinco niños trabajando como hormiguitas cargando baldes de piedras para rellenar espacios de lo que sería la casa, fue una época hermosa, no era un trabajo obligado, mi mamá se encargaba de hacernos soñar en esa vivienda propia futura donde viviríamos tranquilos los seis, sin las tristezas y conflictos que trae el vivir arrimados, que es como se les decía a quienes vivían con los familiares le abrían sus espacios.

Y, precisamente, por estos conflictos que se pueden generar al vivir en casa de los tíos o abuelos fue que Gladys se enfocó en construir primero dos habitaciones y un buen día, no sé si se peleó con su hermana, con quien vivíamos en ese momento, decidió que nos mudaríamos.

Nosotros estábamos felices, de muchas maneras veíamos el asunto como una gran aventura. Viviríamos en una casa que no tenía puertas ni ventanas, tenía piso de tierra, un baño y una cocina a medio hacer, pero era nuestra, siempre la sentimos como algo tan propio que no importaban las condiciones. Escribiendo esto todavía me emociono y pienso que mi mamá fue una mujer tan decidida y arriesgada que eso la llevó a lograr mucho de lo que se propuso en su vida.

Poco a poco, la casa fue tomando su forma final, eran los años 70 del siglo pasado y quiero resaltar que nuestro país pasaba por una de sus mejores épocas de abundancia y modernización. Mi mamá trabajaba en una universidad como bibliotecaria y con ese sueldo de personal administrativo de la administración pública pudo darle estudios a sus hijos y construir nuestro hogar. Hoy en día, sencillamente, es impensable hacer esta proeza.

When the construction of the house began, I was about 9 years old and my siblings were around the same age, we were very close together, perhaps you can imagine these five children working like little ants carrying buckets of stones to fill the spaces of what would be the house, it was a beautiful time, it was not a forced work, my mother was in charge of making us dream of that future home of our own where the six of us would live peacefully, without the sadness and conflicts that come with living in close quarters, which is how they called those who lived with relatives who opened their spaces to her.

And it was precisely because of these conflicts that can arise when living with aunts and uncles or grandparents that Gladys focused on building two rooms first and one fine day, I don't know if she had a fight with her sister, with whom we were living at the time, she decided that we would move.

We were happy, in many ways we saw the whole thing as a great adventure. We would live in a house that had no doors or windows, a dirt floor, a bathroom and a half-finished kitchen, but it was ours, we always felt it was so much our own that it didn't matter what the conditions were. Writing this I still get excited and think that my mother was such a determined and risk-taking woman that this led her to achieve much of what she set out to do in her life.

Little by little, the house took its final shape, it was the 70's of the last century and I want to emphasize that our country was going through one of its best times of abundance and modernization. My mother worked at a university as a librarian and with that salary of administrative personnel of the public administration she was able to give her children an education and build our home. Today, it is simply unthinkable to do this feat.

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Para cuando la casa estuvo lista, ya éramos adolescentes y la disfrutábamos a plenitud, pues a mi mamá le encantaban las reuniones familiares de fin de semana, así que siempre teníamos invitados y como esas cosas también sirven de modelo, pues nosotras con mucha frecuencia nos veníamos del liceo con amigas a pasar la tarde estudiando un rato e inventando cosas en otro rato.

By the time the house was ready, we were teenagers and we enjoyed it to the fullest, because my mother loved weekend family gatherings, so we always had guests and as these things also serve as a model, we often came home from high school with friends to spend the afternoon studying for a while and inventing things in another time.

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Una de las que más me gustaba es que hacíamos de la sala un salón de presentaciones en vivo. Allí hay un largo muro que sirve para sentarse, pero también para tarima y desde ese lugar cantábamos y bailábamos haciendo grandes shows amateurs.

Cuando nos casamos y comenzamos a tener hijos, el patio delantero era el lugar perfecto para celebrar los cumpleaños y el patio trasero, pegado a la cocina, con su pequeña piscina y parrillera, era especial para esas reuniones familiares donde nos dábamos gusto bailando y haciendo comilonas.

One of the things I liked the most was that we used to turn the room into a live performance hall. There is a long wall there that serves as a sitting area, but also as a stage and from that place we would sing and dance doing great amateur shows.

When we got married and started having children, the front yard was the perfect place to celebrate birthdays and the back yard, next to the kitchen, with its small pool and barbecue, was special for those family gatherings where we indulged in dancing and making feasts.

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También ellos, sus tíos y tías disfrutaron de estos espacios, aquí en estas fotos está la tía Indira, Estefanía y Mary celebrando una fiesta de disfraces y ¿adivinen qué? Sus amigos agarraron la “cerita” como la llamamos, de tarima para modelar, jajaja.

Also they, their aunts and uncles enjoyed these spaces, here in these pictures is Aunt Indira, Estefania and Mary celebrating a costume party and guess what? Their friends grabbed the "cerita" as we call it, a modeling platform, hahaha.

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Ciertamente, “La Ponderosa” fue el mejor lugar para pasar la niñez y adolescencia. Gracias Gladys, por habernos dado este espacio donde se cultivaron tan bellos recuerdos y aún hoy, cuando nuestra familia está tan dispersa, para los que quedamos sigue siendo nuestro lugar preferido para compartir café, hablar y jugar a las cartas en ese encuentro de hermanas y sobrinas, que hacemos con frecuencia.

Certainly, "La Ponderosa" was the best place to spend our childhood and adolescence. Thank you Gladys, for having given us this space where such beautiful memories were cultivated and even today, when our family is so dispersed, for those of us who are left it is still our favorite place to share coffee, talk and play cards in that meeting of sisters and nieces, which we do frequently.

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Esta es mi participación a la invitación que nos hace @ericvancewalton A Eulogy for the Way We Were, esta semana y que es parte de un proyecto para recoger nuestras memorias. Por mi parte te invito a unirte a su propuesta para que nos compartas esas experiencias de vida que bien vale dejarla plasmadas para nuestras generaciones futuras. Entra al [Link](Memoir Monday (A new initiative on HIVE)) para que te enteres de que va todo. Saludos

This is my participation in the invitation from @ericvancewalton A Eulogy for the Way We Were, this week, which is part of a project to collect our memories. I invite you to join his proposal so that you can share with us those life experiences that are worth to be captured for our future generations. Go to [Link](Memoir Monday (A new initiative on HIVE)) to find out what it's all about. Best regards.

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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Fuente de imágenes: Archivo personal


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This is really fantastic and I can imagine you had fun when it was being built.
The stage is so cool, what a focal point, I am sure it could tell a thing or two about all the fiestas that were had!


This is really fantastic and I can imagine you had fun when it was being built.
The stage is so cool, what a focal point, I am sure it could tell a thing or two about all the fiestas that were had!

Good morning @tengolotodo. We all love this place and indeed, there is a lot to tell not only about the parties but also about raising our children in an atmosphere of coexistence that even when we were together each family had its own space of intimacy.


Well I have actually come to discover that conflicts might want to arise among families members but nevertheless one can still settle it


Good morning, @. Certainly that soft and intense conflicts can always be, the important thing is the willingness to resolve them. Greetings and all the best. 😊


What a warm and wonderful memory! That truly sounded like a "home". Thank you for taking part in Memoir Monday!


What a warm and wonderful memory! That truly sounded like a "home". Thank you for taking part in Memoir Monday!

Good morning @ericvancewalton. We did understand from a very young age the meaning of home and living together respectfully and responsibly.

I love the activity, thanks to you for proposing it. Have a great weekend. 😊


La ponderosa, me recordó a la serie Bonanza. Todos hemos tenido grandes vivencias en esa casa. Gracias por compartir estimada @damarysvibra. Un fuerte abrazo.


Hola @irvinc. Gracias por pasar y comentar. Si ha sido y sigue siendo un espacio que el paso del tiempo la reafirma cada día como positiva. Gracias por ser y estar.


@damarysvibra me encantó la Ponderosa, me imaginó cuantas historias atesora. Recordé la casa de mi abuela. 🤗
