

I was reading online and I came across some write up that explained what it meant to sin. Sin was derived from the Greek word Harmatia in archery (the art of shooting arrows) to miss the target.

In my post about two weeks ago I talked about how it is possible that humans most have evolved from primates because of our need to throw projectiles and to assume a stance for throwing. Now the Judea Christians took a word from an art form that had to do with shooting projectiles. Humans also evolved a great sense of focus in the physical sense and also in the mental sense (focusing on the future). Read that post here.

The Bible defined sin as a failure do to that which a person knows to be right. Which is equivalent to missing the target in life.

In the Bible, it was also said that the wages of sin is death. Death was the biblical death...hell. but to an archer in those times it might have meant actual death. It also meant actual death for those who lived in those times when the value for life was at its all-time low. If you lied...you could be put to death...if you stole...you could be put to death. Also, if you didn't listen to Noah when he told you he sensed (God told him) a flood coming...you could die. Death rates were definitely higher in those times... so to not do that which you knew to be right could lead to actual death.

The Bible said for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The glory of God following my thread of thought means...to miss your target in life. We all have failed to do that which we know to be right. But yet we live. As times changed people no longer died physically for their sin. They did however die psychologically...if getting away with your sin could teach you anything, it is how to get away with your sins. Nobody truly gets away with anything in life. We still pay eventually.

Another passage says...God does not pay as much as our sins deserve. Self-explanatory. People no longer die for their sins...also Christ died to liberate the Christians so many wouldn't have died the way he did...but many have still died though, but Jesus started the process that made Christianity so acceptable...but some still die...but it is nothing compared to the deaths of those ages. It's like how the world wars has taught people (some people) not to fight wars anymore.

Here is my favorite...for how long will you continue to sin that grace may abound? A question. How long will you miss your target in life and be met by mercy? God's mercy...

Just some thoughts in my head.

Paul said he presses for the mark of the higher calling. So, keep up and keep pressing.

Have a lovely week.

