Our Portable Camping Battery Arrived! | 我們訂的露營電池剛剛送到

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

Since we locked in our first camping trip, we started buying a few things to get ourselves started. One thing as a priority would be a battery pack for the family. Don’t get me wrong, not the small ones you take out in case your mobile runs out of battery, we are talking a big one that can charge iPads, laptops, act as a torch etc. Hubby didn’t want to spend too much money on it so bought this one on Amazon for around $200AUD.

自從跟朋友安排去露營我們開始計劃買一些東西準備下個月這個小旅行. 其中一樣比較重要就是電的問題. 不是我們常用的小型電池,我們是買專用來差平板電腦,電腦或電話都可以用的.老公不想花太多錢所以在買了一個中價 $200 左右的大電池.

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We only bought the machine but you can also buy a solar panel charger which is recommended for those going on extended holiday so they can charge the battery under the sun. It is not cheap but we don’t need it for our trip this time. As you can see, there are lots of power to charge a few devices which will last us at least 2 days for our camping trip. 24 charges for iPhones is pretty impressive!!!

我們買這個牌子可以再加一個太陽能在外面叉電但因為今次只是去兩天看看這個電池可以維持多久才決定買不買.雖然這個電池不是很平但應該足夠我們一家用. 看見這個盒的介紹一個電池可以叉電話24次.

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The battery is not that heavy for what it can do and it has lots of output and universal plug which can be used anywhere. Enough USB ports for all the phones and iPads we have within our family. It can also act as a torch which will be useful when it gets dark at night. We also bought a lamp but this one is very powerful so should shine quite far away. Pretty happy with this buy!

這個電池不是很重所以去旅行用很方便. 外面有幾個插頭讓不同電器都可以使用.側邊亦有一個電筒所以去露營非常方便.雖然我們已經買了一棧露營燈但加多這個電筒就方便很多. 如果去露營的你可以考慮買這類電池不用擔心電話或平板電腦沒有電.

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animation by @catwomanteresa

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Nice piece of kit. Essential for the modern camper.


oh totally and we don't want to be left with no battery on a rainy day and we have to stay inside lol



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