Travel notes. Veliky Ustyug

How could I ever think that I would write about my hometown in travel notes? Yes, now everything is possible! Even in my hometown, due to the nature of my work, I may find myself passing through. But this time I was on vacation.

So why travel notes then? This genre is the most superficial and fastest of all. I haven't been to my hometown for a long time, so I decided to just drive through my favorite spots and capture the changes.

In this case, only one survey point and many angles from it are shown.

There is such a point, a place on the embankment of the Sukhona River, where you can capture almost all the temples of the city.

Everything is cyclical in this world, even the sandy island on the river, which appears every few years.

Finally, the embankment in Dymkovo Settlement, damaged after a severe flood in 2016, was repaired. I'm used to the fact that there were broken concrete plates.

But when you don't live in the city all the time, the changes are a little more striking. Changes are also harder to get used to.

For moral adaptation to the new fortified embankment, I drove along it from start to finish in my car.

Well, in general, I did not notice any special changes in the urban environment, except for the repaired roads, which I was pleasantly surprised by.
