Spring moments-2

Have you ever photographed ad nauseam? I did! This is such a creative oversaturation, when the process of disgust from the work that you are doing is already underway. And from no other kind of activity, I did not feel this, as from the creative process. It is in creativity that all stages of spiritual and material perception, from inspiration to extinction, are clearly expressed.

It all starts with inspiration from someone's pictures after viewing social networks.

Then everything goes into the stage called "wild desire to take pictures."

The stage of desire can last for several days and it happens that it does not go into the physical process of creating an image, but due to some circumstances it simply disappears, or fades out indefinitely until new possibilities for the realization of ideas.

If, nevertheless, the desire coincided with the possibilities, then the process of photography begins immediately, which is also divided into stages.

First, a place is chosen, a location where the shooting will take place.

If it's street photography, then the place can be spontaneous. As the saying goes, "I go wherever my eyes look."

The process of searching for a genre begins, connecting to a particular frequency (graphics, minimalism or true street).

After choosing the direction, photography is already narrowly focused and, based on this, the locations are selected taking into account the genre.

By the time of the creative peak, more than one block can be covered, but the distance may be several miles.

You can never guess when and where the creative peak will come, but on average, it still comes after two-thirds of the time allotted for shooting.

During the onset of the peak, you feel a creative surge, you begin to reveal a given topic or location.

It is at this moment that you need to take the maximum possible number of photos, use all angles and shooting points.

When stagnation sets in - that is, you feel that you have already revealed everything, the whole topic has been squeezed out, then it is better to finish filming and return home on a positive note.

Or, you can just put the camera away and switch to something else (solving problems, going shopping, driving, etc.)

I shoot until the next stage - burnout and disgust. I push myself to the end, squeeze out all the juices.

Very often after this comes a feeling of physical nausea.

As a researcher of the metaphysics and psychology of photography, even after that, I continue to shoot in order to then understand how this state affects the content of the picture.

I also try different options with the stages of the creative photographic process: finish shooting at the peak; switching between genres during the peak; stop at the search stage.

Most of this applies to street photography, but also applies to other genres.

Immediately after the shooting, I was very numb from this picture - I directly saw in it almost a masterpiece, and now everything is out.

This is also an interesting phenomenon that needs to be analyzed.
