Common Sports Injuries And First Aid: DISLOCATION

A dislocation is the displacement of one or more of the bones at a joint. The surrounding ligaments and other soft tissues always suffer some injuries.
The fingers, thumbare most often affected.
Dislocations are usually caused by falls and blows. Muscular effort may dislocate the arm from the socket in the shoulder blade. Unless properly relocated and cared for, such dislocations may occur repeatedly and cause major disability


Signs and Symptoms
(a) There is severe pain at or near the joint.

(b) The limb cannot move or be moved at the joint.

(c) There is loss of power in the limb.

(d) There is swelling about the joint.

(e) The length of the limb may be changed

(a) The part should be kept quiet and medical attention obtained.

(b) Support the limb in the position which gives most ease to the patient and rest him on a couch or bed.

(c) If the pain is severe, apply cold dressings frequently.

(d) When cold stop to comfort, apply warmth, ie. Flannels or towels wrung out of hot water.

