Jovenes promesas que fueron un fracaso [ESP - ENG] Promising young talents who were failures.


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El termino joven promesa se le da a un jugador que en sus primeros años de carrera muestra una gran habilidad y un buen nivel que lo acreditan a ser una posible estrella en el futuro, en algunos casos esto termina sucediendo pero en otros ocurre todo lo contrario y estos jugadores terminan quedando en el olvido, hoy en ésta primera parte les traigo un compilado con cinco jugadores que prometían muchísimo en sus inicios y terminaron siendo uno mas del montón.

The term promising young player is given to a player who in his first years of his career shows a great ability and a good level that accredits him to be a possible star in the near future, in some cases this ends up happening for good but in others the opposite happens and these players end up being forgotten by everyone, today in this first part I bring you a compilation with five players who promised a lot in their beginnings and ended up being one more in the pile.


Fredua Korateng Adu (Tema, Ghana, 2 de junio de 1989)

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Freddy Adu naciò en Ghana pero representò deportivamente a Estados Unidos, es el jugador mas joven que jamas ha jugado en la MLS, cuando debutó en el DC United con tan solo 14 años, le apodaron el nuevo Pelè y la verdad es que mostraba una cualidad enorme para jugar al fútbol, era muy rápido, ágil y tenia mucho gol, debutò con la selección estadounidense con apenas 17 años, cuando ya era conocido como una revelación del fútbol, en el año 2007 fue fichado al Benfica de Portugal y ahí empezò su declive, nunca se adapto al fútbol europeo y sus números fueron bastante mediocres, pasò cedido por Monaco, el Belenenses y el Aris Salonica, entre otros, no logrò destacar en ninguno de ellos y hoy en día juega sin pena ni gloria en el el Österlen FF de Suecia, en total en su carrera ha jugado solo 207 partidos y ha marcado apenas 31 goles, números muy malos para quien fue considerado en algún momento como el nuevo Pelè.

Fredua Korateng Adu was a african fotball player born in Ghana but represented the United States, he is the youngest player who has ever played in MLS, when he debuted in DC United with only 14 years old, he was nicknamed the new Pelè and the truth is that he showed a huge quality to play soccer, he was very fast, agile and had a lot of goal, he debuted with the US national team with only 17 years old, when he was already known as a revelation of soccer, In 2007 he was signed to Benfica of Portugal and there began his decline, he never adapted to European soccer and his numbers were quite mediocre, he was loaned by Monaco, Belenenses and Aris Salonica, among others, he failed to excel in any of them and today plays without shame or glory in the Österlen FF of Sweden, in total in his career he has played only 207 games and has scored just 31 goals, very bad numbers for who was considered at some point as the new Pele.


Bojan Krkić (Liñola, Lérida, 28 de agosto de 1990)

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Bojan formò parte del mejor Barcelona de la historia, debutò muy temprano en el año 2007 con muchísimas expectativas ya que venia siendo un dios en las categorías inferiores, en las que estuvo durante siete temporadas y marcò 960 goles, su paso por el Barcelona fue bastante bueno tomando en cuenta los nombres que tenia delante en la competencia por el puesto titular, pero la realidad es que Bojan nunca terminò de explotar como lo hicieron otros compañeros suyos, como Pedro Rodriguez por ejemplo, el jugador dijo en su autobiografía que se vio sometido a tanta presión que empezò a sufrir ataques de ansiedad y quizás eso fue lo que terminò provocando que su nivel nunca llegara a su tope, en el año 2011 fue traspasado a la Roma de Italia, donde tampoco pudo explotar y ademas, bajo su nivel, jugando 37 partidos y marcando solo 7 goles, de ahí fue cedido al AC Milan para llenar el hueco que habia dejado Zlatan, algo que no pudo lograr y a partir de ahí empezò a caer en una serie de sesiones y traspasos que lo terminaron hundiendo en el olvido, su ultimo equipo fue el Montreal Impact y actualmente se encuentra sin equipo, ha jugado en total 423 partidos y ha marcado 91 goles.

Bojan was part of the best Barcelona in history playing around Messi, Xavi, Iniesta and company and winning everything with that team., he made his debut very early in 2007 with great expectations as he had been a god in the lower categories, in which he was for seven seasons and scored 960 goals, his time at Barcelona was pretty good considering the names he had in front of him in the competition for the starting position, but the reality is that Bojan never finished exploding as did other teammates, such as Pedro Rodriguez for example, the player said in his autobiography that he was subjected to so much pressure that he began to suffer anxiety attacks and perhaps that was what ended up causing that his level never reached its peak, in 2011 he was transferred to Roma in Italy, where he could not exploit and also under his level, playing 37 games and scoring only 7 goals, From there he was loaned to AC Milan to fill the gap left by Zlatan, something he could not achieve and from there he began to fall into a series of sessions and transfers that ended up sinking into oblivion, his last team was the Montreal Impact and is currently without a team, he has played a total of 423 games and scored 91 goals.


Ricardo Quaresma (Lisboa, Portugal, 26 de septiembre de 1983)

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Ricardo Quaresma es un futbolista portugues que inició su carrera en el Sporting de Portugal, empezó a jugar al futbol por su hermano que era un afanado al deporte y en las inferiores del Sporting no tuvo rival, ni siquiera Cristiano Ronaldo se le acercaba al nivel que mostraba Quaresma, despues de ganar liga y copa en su pais, fue fichado por el FC Barcelona por 30 millones de euros, que puso mucha expectativa en el pero la realidad es que su paso por España no tuvo ni pena ni gloria, su bajo nivel junto a las lesiones terminaron sus ilusiones y el Barcelona lo dió como moneda de cambio al Porto para asi fichar a Deco, alli empezo muy bien la temporada pero se fue apagando de a poco, y se le empezó a criticar su falta de compañerismo y de jugar para el solo, hizo caso a las criticas y mejoró su nivel, lo que provoco que en el 2008 el Inter pagara casi 19 millones de euros por su ficha, en Italia empezó tambiencon gran nivel pero terminó sufriendo una lesion que lo envió de nuevo al banco, fue cedido al Chelsea en ese periodo y regresó al Inter, salió campeon del triplete en 2010 con el Inter pero no participo en casi ningun partido y empezó a recibir fuertes criticas de la prensa italiana, fue traspasado al Beşiktaş en 2010 y desde ahi no se volvio a saber de el, pasó por varios equipos entre ellos nuevamente el Porto y el Beşiktaş y su nivel siempre fue la montaña rusa que fue desde que inicio, una temporada decente, una mediocre, y asi sucesivamente hasta que terminaron por olvidar su existencia.

Ricardo Quaresma is a Portuguese footballer who began his career in Sporting de Portugal, he started playing soccer for his brother who was a fan of the sport and in the Sporting youth team he had no rival, not even Cristiano Ronaldo was close to the level shown by Quaresma, after winning league and cup in his country, he was signed by FC Barcelona for 30 million euros, He was a great expectation in him but the reality is that his time in Spain had neither pain nor glory, his low level along with injuries ended his illusions and Barcelona gave him as a bargaining chip to Porto to sign Deco, there he started the season very well but he was turning off little by little, and he began to criticize his lack of companionship and playing for himself, he listened to the criticism and improved his level, which caused that in 2008 Inter paid almost 19 million euros for his record, in Italy he also started with great level but ended up suffering an injury that sent him back to the bench, he was loaned to Chelsea in that period and returned to Inter, he was champion of the triplet in 2010 with Inter but did not participate in almost any game and began to receive strong criticism from the Italian press, He was transferred to Beşiktaş in 2010 and since then he was never heard of again, he went through several teams including again Porto and Beşiktaş and his level was always the roller coaster that it was from the beginning, a decent season, a mediocre one, and so on until they ended up forgetting his existence.


Mario Balotelli (Palermo, Italia, 12 de agosto de 1990)

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En la historia de Balotelli el es el protagonista y el villano al mismo tiempo, en las inferiores mantuvo un promedio de mas de un gol por partido y eso le hizo ser fichado por el Inter, donde debutaria en el año 2007, su rendimiento no fue malo, todo lo contrario, pero su personalidad chocaba muchisimo con la del tecnico Jose Mourinho y tras varias peleas entre ambas el italiano termino saliendo del equipo rumbo al Manchester City, que en ese tiempo estaba armando el mejor equipo que el dinero le permitia comprar, en Inglaterra se convirtió en todo un personaje, al mismo tiempo que firmaba buenas actuaciones mostraba cada vez mas actitudes negativas, se negaba a entrenar, a cumplir las ordenes del técnico e incluso, llegó a los golpes con Roberto Mancini, fue su pase el que se convirtió en la asistencia con la que Aguero les dio la liga en la temporada 2011-2012, pero en el club se cansaron de sus malas actitudes y por eso fue traspasado al Milan en 2013, donde inició el declive de su carrera a pesar de que su rendimiento no fue malo, en el 2014 lo fichó el Liverpool como remplazo de Luis Suarez, no logró ganarse un puesto y regresó al Milan, donde tampoco destacó, luego fue traspasado al Niza de Francia, al Marsella, el Brescia y actualmente juega en el Monza de Italia, todos estas etapas sin ningun momento destacable y ya en el ocaso de su carrera, ha jugado casi 400 partidos y ha marcado 157 goles, numeros decentes, pero no a la altura de lo que mostraba este muchacho.

In the history of Balotelli he is the protagonist and the villain at the same time, in the inferior maintained an average of more than one goal per game and that made him be signed by Inter, where he would debut in 2007, his performance was not bad, on the contrary, but his personality clashed a lot with the coach Jose Mourinho and after several fights between the two the Italian ended up leaving the team to Manchester City, At the same time he was putting together the best team that money allowed him to buy, in England he became a real character and he became a meme with his immature and childish actions, which went down very badly with his teammates and the fans, at the same time that he signed good performances he showed more and more negative attitudes, he refused to train, to comply with the orders of the coach and even came to blows with Roberto Mancini, It was his pass that became the assist with which Aguero gave them the league in the 2011-2012 season, but the club got tired of his bad attitudes and so he was transferred to Milan in 2013, where he began the decline of his career even though his performance was not bad, in 2014 he was signed by Liverpool as a replacement for Luis Suarez, He was then transferred to Nice in France, Marseille, Brescia and currently plays for Monza in Italy, all these stages without any outstanding moment and already in the twilight of his career, he has played almost 400 games and has scored 157 goals, decent numbers, but not at the height of what this boy showed.


Robinho (São Vicente, 25 de enero de 1984)

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Desde el retiro de Pele, año tras año en Brasil han soñado con aquel jugador que lo reemplazara, han habido muchos que fueron llamados a hacerlo y lo lograron, Robinho fue uno de los que no hicieron justicia a eso, cuando solo tenia 15 años el propio Pelé lo nombro como su sucesor, quizás esto elevo aun mas las expectativas que habían sobre el, llevó al Santos a su primer titulo de liga desde la época de Pelé, y creció aun mas la emoción por el brasileño, fue fichado por el Real Madrid de los galacticos pero no logro mostrar mucho del gran nivel que tenia en Brasil, encadenó una serie de partidos buenos y malos que terminaron en 2008 cuando se marchó al Manchester City, donde no tuvo una mala temporada pero sus 14 goles no fueron suficientes para llenar las expectativas que generaron los 43 millones de euros que se pagaron por el, eso sumado a sus diferencias con el entrenador y otras polémicas que involucraban las salidas nocturnas y el alcohol, el brasileño puso fin a su etapa europea en 2009 cuando regresó al único club donde había sido una estrella, el Santos, tuvo una temporada decente y fue fichado por el Milan, donde tampoco logró destacar a pesar de salir campeon de la Serie A con el club, en esa epoca sucedio una terrible anecdota y es que el brasileño cometio un crimen de violacion por lo que fue condenado a prision en Marzo del 2021, luego de jugar en el Milan pasó por varios equipos en los que no logró destacar hasta llegar al Estambul Başakşehir F. K. su ultimo equipo antes de ser condenado a prision, en total jugó 770 partidos y marcó solo 249 goles, de nuevo, cifras muy malas para un jugador que fue reconocido por el propio Pelé como su heredero.

Since Pele's retirement, year after year in Brazil they have dreamed of that player to replace him, there have been many who were called to do so and succeeded, Robinho was one of those who did not do justice to that, when he was only 15 years old Pele himself named him as his successor, perhaps this raised even more expectations about him, he led Santos to his first league title since Pele's time, and grew even more the excitement for the Brazilian, he was signed by Real Madrid of the galacticos but failed to show much of the great level he had in Brazil, he chained a series of good and bad games that ended in 2008 when he left for Manchester City, where he did not have a bad season but his 14 goals were not enough to fulfill the expectations generated by the 43 million euros that were paid for him, that added to his differences with the coach and other controversies involving nightlife and alcohol as well as fights with both the trainer and his teammates, he was never able to stand out in a team where he had arrived to be the top star, he ended his European stage in 2009 when he returned to the only club where he had been a star, Santos, He had a decent season and was signed by Milan, where he also failed to stand out despite being Serie A champion with the club, at that time a terrible anecdote happened and is that the Brazilian committed a crime of rape for which he was sentenced to prison in March 2021, after playing in Milan he went through several teams in which he failed to highlight until reaching the Başakşehir. his last team before being sentenced, in total he played 770 games and scored only 249 goals, again, very bad figures for a player who was recognized by Pele himself as his heir.




Balotelli was a real dud and can't believe he actually had a lucrative career.


I think that is due more than everything to Mino Raiola who did a brutal job representing him, he knew how to sell it like a crack when it was only a problem


His career was indeed very inconsistent, and for the most part nowhere close to the initial promises. But somehow he did manage to show up in a handful of important games. I still remember his double against Germany in the semi finals of Euro 2012. That was his glory day, all downhill from there (btw, Italy lost 4-0 in the Final of that same Euro).


It's sad to see how these players that just in their early years were nicknamed like that, and then they were useless. It was like the teams were carried away by the words of the people that just that, led them to lose millions for a failure of a player or something like that, good post brother, will you bring soon a second part?


Very true what you say, as a Barcelona fan I had a lot of faith in Bojan, I think he lacked opportunities in the starting eleven and maybe that ended up lowering his level, and yes, I will be raising some tops that I am doing little by little, I would like to see your opinion about players that could appear in this top


How nice, it's a good idea to make several posts on this topic.

I would like to see your opinion about players that could appear in this top

I don't have many like this because I don't know the name of many soccer players, but I'll tell you one, you see if you add it in your post.

Alexandre Pato


without a doubt, Pato would enter as a star in these tops, he is one of the players that raised the most hype and disappointed the most, I personally was quite disappointed because I am also a fan of Milan, and I saw in him the new crack.


I was very surprised by this player's story and wanted to tell you to add it to your next post on this topic.


I know all the players you mentioned except the first one. Bojan was clearly a failure, and Robinho at least had some good years at Real Madrid and Manchester City. Balotelli also had some good years but was unable to achieve consistent performance. Regarding Quaresma, I wouldn't call him a failure because he provided some good matches throughout his career, but clearly he was no competition to CR7.

Football is tricky, and it is completely normal for young stars to fade away quickly. I remember a Real Madrid striker called Portillo who broke all the records from Raul in the inferior divisions and then as an adult he was just a regular striker, nothing close to a star. It can be a bit sad but that's how things are...


I heard a lot about him because I followed the MLS when Beckham went to play there, the truth was that he had a lot of talent but not enough to be a world star, the level in the United States is not even close to what European soccer is, the reason why I included Quaresma was because of his move to Barcelona, the expectations were very high and he was showing a lot of level in Portugal and when he arrived to the elite he never stood out, he was very irregular and at that time, 30 million euros was a lot of money for a player that did not give you a hundred percent for a whole season, he was not a failure as a player, but he was looking for a lot more.

