David Icke on COVID19 and 5G - HEAVILY CENSORED by YOUTUBE - 6th April 2020 (FULL)


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This video has been heavily censored online, more so than the majority I am aware of - What is it that needs to be hidden here? Making up your own mind after due diligence research is the ONLY way to reach the truth here without getting caught up in denial.

David Icke has long been a highly controversial researcher on the topic of authoritarian control, covert technocratic rule by AI and tech oligarchs, secret societies, dissident science and other topics that the mainstream refuse to acknowledge. Recently he has been speaking out on the COVID19 lockdown, virus and it's potential connections to 5G technology. In response to this information being propagated, rather than an honest rebuttal to the scientific claims being made, the UK government has instead chosen to demand that broadcasters completely censor any mention of 5G being connected to COVID19 and Youtube has followed suit. As a result, David Icke's recent interview with the London Real Channel (1.5 Million subscribers on Youtube) has been deleted twice. The BBC has since published a news story about the situation, claiming that David Icke's statements are false and have been scientifically debunked:


The reality here, though, is that with all such similar stories - the 'debunking' is only a cherry picked debunking of some aspects of the discussion. The key factors involved were never addressed by the BBC. While I personally do not claim to know all the details of the science involved in the possible connection between 5G & COVID19, I do know very well that:

a) We cannot know the truth if discussion is censored.
b) Censorship implies that something is being denied and covered up.
c) There ARE legitimate EXPERTS in numerous health and science fields who have stated for a very long time that 5G poses a serious risk to the health of humanity.
d) There ARE also numerous doctors and specialists who have spoken out about the nature of viruses and COVID19 who say clearly that the mainstream version of events are flawed and inaccurate.

Whether 5G is involved in COVID19 or not, the fact remains that the situation very much does appear to be being manipulated for a variety of reasons, including the numerous factors connected to Bill Gates and his foundation's use of billions of dollars and specifically the investment and development of vaccines by Bill Gates. Not only did Bill Gates organise a simulation of a full scale coronavirus pandemic only a few weeks prior to COVID19 hitting the news, he is also one of the world's largest investors in vaccine technology and owns millions of dollars worth of shares in vaccine companies. He stands to directly profit from the situation.

As I have reported on several times, Bill Gates was on board Jeffrey Epstein's plane several times and has refused to say why. Jeffrey Epstein has been exposed as perhaps being one of the most evil men to have lived in previous decades and had a hand in many projects to develop Artificial Intelligence for a variety of nefarious reasons. For more info on this epic topic I suggest the following extra videos:

Who is Bill Gates?

Jeffrey Epstein Map of Connections:

Videos referenced by David Icke

source: https://www.davidicke.com/article/567397/vital-videos-watching-david-ickes-london-real-interview-today

Andrew Kaufman on Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-kaufman-md-1300389/

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Wasting time chasing down every wild goose won't get you further than the gander. This unintelligible garbage is trying to blame a virus on technology. This must be why poor neighborhoods in Iran, Ecuador, and Brazil are being decimated. Because people are more concerned with burning down a cell tower than staying home or wearing a mask.


Actually, you are hugely oversimplifying the situation. The evidence shows that 5G has not had proper safety tests and hundreds of qualified specialists in numerous fields have publicly stated their concerns. If you can't understand the issues, you only have to ask instead of throwing out unfounded assertions.


Hi, I'm an electronics technician who has operated nuclear reactors, spoke at Yale, and spent years in medical radiation. I would consider myself an expert in the field.

Thank you for your reply.


I see, ok - great. What specifically do you take issue with in the numerous testimonies involved here (spanning countless hours and hundreds of published studies into EMFs but very little on 5G since the industry has not published safety studies)?
Perhaps you can point us to 5G safety studies that are being missed here?


We understand the EM spectrum pretty well. For the most persuasive argument: The cancer rate is up about 1% since 1983. Cancer's mortality rate has also gone down. There are no more incidences of brain cancer than before.

These phased arrays will decrease the overall radiation since it is now directed... we use directed beams for cancer therapy too, because it lowers the amount of radiation to non-targeted tissues.

There are hundreds of thousands of scientists if not millions, and from what I can tell less than 1000 are crackpot enough to try making their money spreading unfounded fears.


So you agree there are no 5G safety tests published?
There are numerous studies from numerous professors and labs publishing data that contradicts the unfounded narrative that microwave tech of this kind is safe. Which part of the scientific method involves ad hominem attack?


5G operates in a similar spectrum to WIFI and Ka band radio. What you're saying is roughly the same as saying Telsa should have done crash tests with electric cars to determine if seatbelts are still required. WE HAVE TESTED THE FREQUENCY RANGE AND THEIR EFFECTS. Your insult to the intelligence of the vast majority of scientist is an ad hominem attack.


I don't think you understand what ad hominem attacks are. The statement that those who disagree with your position are 'crackpots' is an ad hominem attack. Referencing many professional studies is not an ad hominem attack, it is simply part of the scientific process.

For reference here are a few specialists in their fields commenting on the subject - handwaving and throwing abuse is not a valid response.


This is why I unfollowed your account. More than 50% of studies are not reproducible. Maybe you've seen where bogus studies are quite easy to publish as long as the meet certain agendas. Again, we have gone from 0 people using cell phones to damn near everybody... no more cancer, no more brain cancer. Want to fall in to a better rabbit hole? Check out how solar wind keeps cosmic rays at bay... ionizing ration that globally has statistically measurable effects of things from cardiac arrest to incidences of psychosis. Today is one such Kp0 day... and its a full moon lol.

I've wasted enough time trying to find where "smart meters" were linked to depression in your writing. Will not respond further.


I guess you missed the 80's NASA studies with experiments and symptoms fom all around the world with frequencies.
Some experiments lasted as little as minutes and the effects were still registered.
No one cares who you unfollow. The sun is not a rabbit hole.
If you cant have a discussion stay out of it.


Low frequencies... like 7-8Hz? That's exactly the kinds of interference the cosmic rays are low solar flux do to Earths intrinsic resonance and causes these heart and mental conditions. We are electrical beings but higher frequencies just don't have the same effects. Everything gets lost in the mix much after 30 hz, none of these antenna are "bright" enough to do damage. It's just light in those frequencies.


Mostly low frequencies 0-1000hz and up to 30ghz this is 50 years old studies.
Just follow the light then.


As far as I know wi-fi operates at 2.4 and/or 5gHz, not 60gHz like 5G.


WHO Representative claims he will need to come into your house and remove your family members for your own safety:


London Real should start posting here!


tell them about us


You have his contact?


Aloha @ura-soul!

As a neuro- and cellbiologist I can confirm that the brain is receptive to electromagnetic waves. The 5G causing the symptoms of Covid 19 seems a bit far-fetched in my opinion.

Studies suggest that 4G and 5G play a role in the development of cancer.
This is my view of things.

But I can confirm Bill Gates plan of mass vaccination and the connection between the Rockefeller Foundation and COVID 19.

I wrote already posts about it with the corresponding links. If you want to take a look at it, here are my posts:



And the plan of a one world currency is also true, which I probably will prove in one of my next posts if I have the time.

May the Good be with you!


Thanks, I will take a look. the 5g connection is unclear, maybe there isn't one, but the absence of proper studies leaves us uncertain.
continual exposure to increased intensity of EMFs could well cause systemic dysfunction in my opinion (in susceptible people, but not necessarily everyone).
There are MANY holes in the mainstream narrative on this!
We find the truth through enquiry and as David Icke said, listening to each other's perspectives without trying to dominate others. Censorship is not appropriate and is a major red flag!


I want to download this video - anyone?


There are various browser plugins that allow you to do that.


yes I just can't find the direct link to the video itself - only the video embedded in the text of the article. thanks.




yes, i agree, questioning things and listening to communication through the internet is just ignorant - thanks for the suggestion of murder, it is inspiring


Japan is at Stage of Releasing Final Medicine for COVID-19 to Cure More that 2 Millions across Globe.


Thanks for posting... I think. I guess I'll plough through as much of this as I have the stomach for.

Update: 11 minutes of this and his explanation of how the Polymerase chain reaction is used for detecting a specific sample of RNA or DNA is such utter crap it makes me weep. He has NO IDEA how this stuff works. We've been doing this for decades, it can be misused, but for heaven's sake I can't take him even remotely seriously after this.


Fair enough, he is referencing the comments of certain doctors. I am well aware that Icke jumps to conclusions sometimes and talks as if he knows all about subjects. I did try to look into the testing a bit, it's not a topic I know anything about from experience - information was not readily available in the mainstream material.


PCR detects the presence of genetic material by amplifying it till there is enough to detect and measure the specifics of what is there. Those were done at first by looking at stripes on a clear sheet (in the olden days). This tech has been refined and perfected. If you contaminate samples, you do amplify the wrong thing.

This is what a PCR result used to look like: today it's all automatic and computerised.

But Icke's waffly nonsense about what a virus actually is compared to just "genetic material" displays a level of either ignorance or straight out mis-understanding as to make all his conclusions after that nonsense. A virus is almost nothing BUT a bit of genetic material (RNA) and a dollop of fat to cover it. To say there is a difference between detecting genetic material and detecting a specific virus displays ignorance. We can get much more specific about the specific genetic materials detected, but knowing the decades of how we've been doing PCR amplification to detect genetic material, there's just no sensible way that so many labs across the entire world are all doing something to deceive the entire world.

I haven't got to the 5G stuff, I'm sure that will have me throwing things too.


If you watch the video I linked from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, that Icke pointed viewers to - he provides a much more scientific and precise description of what Icke is pointing to. He is specifically saying that there are exosomes that form part of the cellular defense mechanism and that it seems that they are often mistaken for viruses. As I understand, he is saying that the tests being employed are looking for exosomes and not a virus.


I'll have to watch but that sounds like a cross over between PCR testing for genetic material (a virus in this case) and the antibody test that can come later to check for past exposure. This is the test the UK thought they were buying from China but turns out to be useless. As far as I can tell nobody has yet deployed a reliable antibody test for this at scale anywhere.


He is saying that the 'virus' is actually not a virus and that they are testing for genetic material from sub components of the body's own immune response that is produced when cells are under threat from toxicity.


The toxicity is the virus reproducing inside the body's cells and destroying them. That's a virus. It sure is making people sick, I have enough names of direct contacts who've been made sick, and died to believe there is something more than radio waves going on.


To be clear, he is saying that the evidence provided, to him, does not show there is a pathogenic virus - as we tend to think of it - involved here. He is not saying he knows it is EMFs only that are causing this. He is saying that he thinks there is something that is harming people but that it is not a virus in the way that we are told. I just go by the evidence and so far I have not seen evidence that proves there is a virus in the way that you are claiming. Maybe you are right, maybe not - I just go by the evidence.


It is clear that the US and Italy have both admitted that they are attributing ALL deaths of people who 'test positive' for COVID19 as being due to COVID19 - which is definitely going to inflate the numbers artifically. Even if there were a virus in the way you mean, there are large numbers of people who are being told their friends and family members have died from COVID19 when they definitely haven't. Given that this is certain, I think we owe it to each other to investigate just how far the misinformation from 'medical professionals' goes here:


I just put a longish reply on another thread... probably would be better here.

I watched it all. He may well be a medical doctor (psychiatrist I think he said) but he isn't a research scientist and he seems to have done some googling and found his way into the intricacies of a very big field of study that he would never have had any formal training in as shrink.

My only formal medical training was a significant amount of medical physics (mostly how the big diagnostic and some therapeutic) machines work. That experience taught me that most doctors haven't got a clue about how the pictures they look at are made and don't care!

I know enough to know, however, that if the RNA of a virus is found, sequenced and then sent around the world and then hundreds of individual labs start finding that sequence (and various mutations) in patients all around the world, there is a virus spreading. This is pretty basic virology. He's diving into areas of immunology that are way beyond his and my areas of expertise and don't suddenly account for so many independent labs all finding pretty much the same stuff (even if there are false positives and negatives).

Once that gets filtered by the insanity of David Icke it turns into complete nonsense. Also remember I'm a Jew who moved to Israel so I'm a particularly on guard with anyone spreading nonsense even vaguely pointing back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Icke's theories have a habit of sounding like that to me.


My understanding here is that the claim is that the genetic material that was sequenced is from a part of the body's processes that is not viral in nature. I agree that neither of us have the experience or equipment available to prove or disprove this. I also agree that this Doctor doesn't have all of the information. The Doctor also agrees with that too and has never said anything to the contrary, as I recall. He is simply identifying a pattern that requires explanation and I agree. I have studied medical and 'research' EVIL for a long time and I am on even more alert for it than most Jews I know are for a repeat of what they and their ancestors have experienced previously.

From the syphilis experiments done on black americans without their knowledge, to the numerous other fatality causing evils perpetrated by governments and corporations over the decades - there is a VERY long and very serious list of reasons to question the mainstream narratives on everything, not least health. Having done this myself for a long time, I have countless examples of having exposed either deliberate evil or just mind numbing stupidity being passed off as 'scientific fact'. We are right to question people's thoughts on health topics and science - but that includes all of them and not just those that disagree with what we think is true.

That experience taught me that most doctors haven't got a clue about how the pictures they look at are made and don't care!

Correct. It is that denial and laziness that is so alarming. It is such denial that allows herd mentality. The same herd mentality that allows characters like Hitler to do what they do.

if the RNA of a virus is found, sequenced and then sent around the world and then hundreds of individual labs start finding that sequence (and various mutations) in patients all around the world, there is a virus spreading.

Given that we just agreed that most doctors are lazy AF and stuck in herd mentality - do you not think there is a possibility here that the researchers are actually buying into a belief system about what they are examining, rather than considering all the options? My own experience is that 'lazy' is perhaps not accurate enough and there is actually a form of hierarchic subservience involved and fear of ridicule. This alone is reason to never ridicule anyone who is involved in thinking about health.


if the RNA of a virus is found, sequenced and then sent around the world and then hundreds of individual labs start finding that sequence (and various mutations) in patients all around the world, there is a virus spreading.

Given that we just agreed that most doctors are lazy AF and stuck in herd mentality - do you not think there is a possibility here that the researchers are actually buying into a belief system about what they are examining, rather than considering all the options?

My understanding of how PCR tests are performed looking for genetic material and specific viruses is reasonable. This is not much different from the way we've been testing for HIV for years. Because DNA and RNA can be reduced to a text sequence that can be emailed around, this really is a well settled bit of science and testing. I'm very sceptical that so many labs across the entire world are coming to the same wrong conclusion.

And I don't think doctors are lazy for not knowing the details of how an MRI machine works, but I did come to believe that very few working doctors are suited to a research or science mentality: they're locked into repetitive patterns of rote recall and following checklists. The ones who go off to do research are an exception, not the norm. I suspect there's a very similar mode of operation in testing labs. They just do what they were told to do, that's part of why I think a broad corruption of such a large system is unlikely.


Because DNA and RNA can be reduced to a text sequence that can be emailed around, this really is a well settled bit of science and testing.

The point in question here is partially about the accuracy of the process, but mostly about the origin and nature of the material being tested. The idea that a 'virus' is the origin of the material being tested is mostly what is being questioned. If the test were 100% reliable in identifying specific RNA then everyone would agree who ran the test that they were indeed seeing the same pattern of RNA when they tested the same material. However, this does not prove that they are testing a virus, they could be testing RNA that is not from a virus, mistakenly thinking it is from a virus. This should be able to be conclusively proven one way or the other, but no virus has been isolated here yet as far as I am aware.

And I don't think doctors are lazy for not knowing the details of how an MRI machine works.

I come from a background of engineers and I know that the more curious we are, the more we know and the better decisions we make. I wasn't so much expecting medical doctors to know how to build an MRI scanner - I was more referring to them going and looking at the scientific studies that they base their decisions on when they claim the policies they follow are 'evidence based'. I know 100% that many of them do not do this and I can show you a long list of Doctors who have been shocked when they actually bothered to do their due diligence research that the message they had been taught to propagate was at best wrong and at worst lies. "I was only following orders" is a phrase that resonates through Jewish heritage just as much as mine since my Grandfather risked his life many times to bomb Germany to liberate Jews and my great uncle was one of the first medics into the first concentration camps as they were liberated.

A great example of many highly qualified people in a field realising that they had been misled is that of fluoridation. Despite many people who provide little or no evidence still going along with the hivemind mentality of thinking water fluoridation is totally safe and beneficial - the evidence shows something quite different. This documentary is probably the best I've seen on this and is revealing:

they're locked into repetitive patterns of rote recall and following checklists. The ones who go off to do research are an exception, not the norm.

Yes, this is not the way to discover truth or to act from integrity. I would not get away with this as a systems engineer and the fact that this is happening in life or death situations is extremely alarming. The fact that it has been denied so much that it is not even questioned is part of why I dedicate so much of my life to the topic.

They just do what they were told to do, that's part of why I think a broad corruption of such a large system is unlikely.

I'm not sure I understand you here. You appear to be saying that the blind adherence to repetitive patterns is evidence for the absence of corruption. I'd say the opposite is true since discovery of error and corruption requires free thinking, enquiry and absolute refusal to only blindly follow prescribed thought patterns.


I'm not sure I understand you here. You appear to be saying that the blind adherence to repetitive patterns is evidence for the absence of corruption. I'd say the opposite is true since discovery of error and corruption requires free thinking, enquiry and absolute refusal to only blindly follow prescribed thought patterns.

What I meant is that the act of conducting a PCR test looking for a particular genetic sequence is so routine today and highly automated, that the only information you need to give a lab is the genetic sequence you're looking for and the samples.

For example, in order to save on materials and speed things up they might take 10 samples from one set of hospital staff and combine them. Only if they get a positive will the go back and test all the individuals.

The testing just shows a particular sequence exists, did it come from a virus or something else, that seems to be what this video was questioning, but in my mind there are way too many individual test labs and research scientists all looking for and at the same sequence to be in much doubt that it is what is commonly called a virus and originated outside the human body.


btw, as far as Icke's position on jews goes - he has been unfairly mischaracterised as far as I am concerned. it's true that he literally does think and say that certain people on earth are in some way actually reptoid souls (ETs) who have a human form. some people have falsely claimed that he is using the word 'reptilian' as a codeword for 'jew'. I am 99.9% sure he isn't doing that at all - he actually does think that there are reptoid souls on this planet. without going deeply into that topic because it is a large one that most people have no reference points for - when he talks about Jewish groups being problematic, historically, he has mostly been talking about the Rothschild family and other such 'elite' groups. He also talks a lot about non jewish groups being a problem too. If a group of alleged Jews are highlighted as being destructive, it is disingenuous to try to then say that the accuser is anti Semitic or is speaking about all Jews, when he is clearly not.

For what it's worth, though I haven't read it, his latest book goes into some depth - I think - on what he means when he highlights Jewish issues.. Here's a 10 min. summary of his position:


I've not had the time to full look into the nuance and there probably is some. I do know that he is a huge favorite with a lot of people who do hold some really odious and out right Jew hating views (though I don't hold him responsible for the worst of his followers).


That's might be true, though I've not seen evidence of that. If they actually listened to what he is saying in full then they would be forced to reassess their perspective, since he repeatedly says that love is the only solution to our challenges. I actually know several who identify as Jews, from Jewish families - some in Israel, who agree with Icke on most topics (at least as far as they can, based on the evidence available).
BTW, this move by human rights groups is highly relevant - regardless of what the truth may be of the virus testing etc: https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/pandemic-crackdown-sparks-worries-for-human-rights-20200410-p54ivr.html


On the specific point of death classifications, there's a report out of NYC saying they have 100's of extra at home deaths right now. Obviously some will be heart attacks that didn't go to the hospital when they should have, but who knows.

The only way we'll really know is when we look at the overall deaths in a few months and see if there was an appreciable spike. But for now, I have enough to be satisfied that this is very real and killing real people I know (in their 50's and 60's) who really weren't due to go right now.


Having looked at the overall death rate in near realtime, the figures are actually down on recent years for this point in the year. The issue is complicated by the lag in recording and the reality that the shutdown has lowered accidental deaths from car accidents etc. and also from environmental pollution. All that said, however, it is totally obvious that we will see the number of deaths from other causes, such as heart disease - drop significantly in areas that are automatically attributing death to COVID19 wherever they can. It is a certainty that many who would have died anyway will now be said to have died from COVID19. There are also numerous 'official' confirmations that the tests are not accurate.


On a mildly related score, I was on i24News a few years back during the 2014 Gaza incursion talking about the age and gender spread of the "victims" of Israeli attacks. Whenever the IDF take significant action in Gaza, almost all deaths in Gaza are attributed to IDF action. Suddenly for a few weeks there are no cancer deaths, heart attacks or anything else not connected with Israeli bombs.

I was on specifically to talk about the analysis we did very early on showing that the "indiscriminate bombing" of the civilians in Gaza was miraculously killing very few women, very few young children and very few old people. By far and away the ones dying were fighting age males. We figured all this out from just a list of names and ages published by Al Jazeera (they stopped publishing after our analysis).

A few months later a proper academic study (with access to the ID numbers of the dead) came to exactly the same conclusions.

In the end, at the height of fighting in Gaza, deaths didn't quite manage to rise above the birth rate.

Proving, once again, that Jews absolutely SUCK at two fields of human endeavour: committing genocide and professional golf 🏌️‍♂️ .


hehe - well, whatever the true nature of all of this, i do know one thing. The nazi-esque mindset that psychopathically does harm is present in people in most 'developed' parts of the world, including Britain, the US, Iran, Israel and beyond. They tend to try to take positions of 'power over' in government, medicine, science, law and so on. This is the real epidemic and has been for a very long time. Studying denial is the most important field of research right now.


The video he provided in relation to the test is the one at the bottom of the post that is by a medical doctor:


I'll see if I can get round to watching that.


I watched it at double speed, it's not that long.


I watched it all. He may well be a medical doctor (psychiatrist I think he said) but he isn't a research scientist and he seems to have done some googling and found his way into the intricacies of a very big field of study that he would never have had any formal training in as shrink.

My only formal medical training was a significant amount of medical physics (mostly how the big diagnostic and some therapeutic) machines work. That experience taught me that most doctors haven't got a clue about how the pictures they look at are made and don't care!

I know enough to know, however, that if the RNA of a virus is found, sequenced and then sent around the world and then hundreds of individual labs start finding that sequence (and various mutations) in patients all around the world, there is a virus spreading. This is pretty basic virology. He's diving into areas of immunology that are way beyond his and my areas of expertise and don't suddenly account for so many independent labs all finding pretty much the same stuff (even if there are false positives and negatives).

Once that gets filtered by the insanity of David Icke it turns into complete nonsense. Also remember I'm a Jew who moved to Israel so I'm a particularly on guard with anyone spreading nonsense even vaguely pointing back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Icke's theories have a habit of sound like that to me.


I watched the Icke video and he did have some good points for sure regarding the economy and small businesses and a few other things. Hes is probably right that we will lose some freedoms by the end of all this as well. But one thing that makes me very leary about him and others who think like him is - he says things like (I'm paraphrasing here) "if you know the final outcome of the scenario then there are no coincidences." Basically he is saying that his lifes philosophy is based on confirmation bias. He uses any and all related information to prove his theory while simultaneously ignoring all evidence that disproves it. That is just bad science, to say the least (its actually not scientific at all its the pseudoscience methodology).

There will always be evidence to prove any theory a person has, no matter how illogical or crack pot it may sound. In Ickes case he actually came out and said definitively that his methodology for analyzing data and thinking critically about a topic is to seek out only the information that confirms his preconceived notions of the world. That alone should make anyone take his ideas with a grain of salt. Its good to hear multiple perspectives for sure, because there will always be grains of truth in all of them. But also dont believe everything you hear just because it fits into your preconceived notions about the world.

Just my thoughts on the subject.


Yes, he does not have a perfect understanding of logic and I have pointed that out in comments under his facebook posts from time to time. Even though I happen to think that a lot of what he points out does fit in with the evidence - in terms of the intentions for totalitarian control, I do know he doesn't question enough. That being said, he is identifying a possibly chain of connection that needs to be disproven and it would be just as ignorant to deny those connections as it would be to deny other possibilities. All possibilities need to be considered.


Thanks for posting this Ura-Soul!
Less work for me ;)
1 Love


David Icke was a goalkeeper. You have to be a bit crazy to be a goalkeeper. He lost the plot decades ago, I find it so strange that some people can fall for his BS. I thought the game was up when he said the British royal family are reptiles but even that is believed by some people.

This is what he used to do, I think he had a breakdown but rather that seek help, he decided to make a career out of it. I can hardly recognise him now, compared to how he used to be.


This guy has always been a bit much for me, and I suspect some conspiracy theories are actually misinformation campaigns by the very people they talk about in order to make their critics look crazy. But Yeah, to censorship is not only wrong, it confuses people even more. Even though I don't really buy into this much, I was curious about what he had to say about this whole thing.

These days we have to be ok not knowing because there is no way to know what is objectively true, and there may be no objective truth. Still variety of perspectives is a good thing.

Thanks for posting.


I feel that he has seen genuinely evil things (as I have too) and is very angry - he has also been heavily ridiculed. He hasn't done emotional processing so his undercurrent emotions have him leaping instead of gliding. Sometimes that comes across as being egoic or just inaccurate. Combined with the reality that he has no problem talking about topics that he can't prove outright and which seem totally wild to most people - it is easy to reject him. I prefer to do my own research and I feel I can usually present things in a more valuable way than he does (though I don't get paid to do it so I can't put in the time he does). I just use his messages as data points and look into things myself.


I guess that's what I do too, but I try not to fill in the blanks or jump to conclusions. I am willing to hear out any theory, but I don't latch on to any either. My favorite conspiracy theories are the ones I make based on what I would do if I was in a position of power and had a certain goal that is already clear. :-D But my day to day life is spent thinking about how I can make stronger communities and help people trust each other more because I see that as the cure regardless of what is going on behind the scenes. When digging deeper fuels this passion, I dig deeper. When it distracts from this passion, i leave it alone.


Fair enough. I realised long ago that I can't be fully happy or at peace while there is suffering on a grand scale so I sought to end it. In looking into that deeply I found that there are many intentions on this planet which deliberately cause suffering for various reasons and that is what I am interested in exposing and changing. It's not possible for many people to uncover the plots by imagining what they themselves would do in such a position because most people are not psychopathically evil!


For those who feel excited and happy to expose I say expose! But I do believe peace should be sought first in order to guide the process.

And I’m not psychopathically evil....anymore!


This is part of the show.

Mix some facts in with plausible conjecture, then create mock censorship to increase interest.

I agree with most of the points being made, yet I'm a bit wary of the messenger.

These two didn't do this out of the kindness of their hearts, its a commercial operation, David has been going on like this for over 30 years, yet nothing actually changes?

Producers whistle a tune and the consumers sing along.


I am certainly sceptical of icke etc. too yes. Not least because he skirts around the money creation problem and never pushes for solutions in that area. Quite willing to keep taking the moolah!


Money is truly the root of all evil.

I hate to admit it, these two jokers look the part.

That said, I'm not surprised that many would choose to throw these clowns out with the bathwater.

Reality isn't pretty.


Thanks for the post and all the videos published.

Upvoted and reblogged.


Thanks, you are welcome. I have a lot more to come - but not enough time in the day!


The governor of oklahoma just passed this executive order


now everyone can practice medicine on the healthy people. So the WHO video is happening by executive order.
Crap looks like there will be vaccine with a digital marker in it, then they will go house to house and administer it. You will not know what happens at your neighbors house. You will find out when they come to your door. Forced medical care by recent college grads and such..........


I'm not sure why relaxing the rules of who can 'practice medicine' means that 'treatments' can be forced on people.
I recommend watching this video to help calm nerves and understand legal remedies:


Finally someone who managed to get it on a blockchain. I wrote a post about it and shared it while live, but after all that, it is now only available on London Real's site and David Icke's. I wrote a comment on one London Real video and mentioned Hive... Curious if Brain reads it.
