Spain Implementing Universal Basic Income

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It was announced that Spain is implementing a universal basic income to combat the coronavirus fall out.

In this video I discuss my thoughts on UBI and why in this instance it is not a good thing.

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Good news for such countries who are giving out such palliatives for their citizens. It would be way more valuable if they embraced blockchain UBI. Telos contracts is already solving such problems.

Posted via Steemleo


Task discussed Spain's announcement to implement Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a response to the coronavirus situation. He shared his belief that UBI might become necessary due to technological advancements leading to job automation. Task cautioned against the potential negative effects of UBI on the economy, emphasizing the importance of the private sector for innovation and job growth. He expressed concerns over the power dynamics involved in such government programs and highlighted the need to monitor the flow of capital for successful trading and investment decisions. Task also touched on China's economic strategies and the balance between public and private sector involvement in the economy.

Detailed Article:
Taskmaster 4450 discussed in this video the recent announcement from Spain regarding the implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI), which involves providing a monthly payout to individuals, in addition to their other earnings and benefits. The primary goal behind this move is to support people through the challenges brought by the coronavirus pandemic.

He touched upon the future need for UBI due to the expectations of increased technological advancement resulting in widespread job automation within this decade. This technological unemployment could potentially drive the requirement for a basic income to support individuals who lose their jobs due to such advancements.

Task also expressed his concerns about the potential negative impact of UBI on the economy. He emphasized that a shift towards greater public sector control, as seen through the implementation of UBI, could divert necessary capital away from the private sector. He linked this disparity to a potential stifling of innovation and job growth, citing historical examples like the Soviet Union, where centrally planned economies failed to foster innovation and economic growth.

The conversation further delved into the intricate balance between public sector involvement, represented by entities like central banks, and the private sector's role in driving economic development. Task argued that a strong private sector is crucial for sustained economic growth, innovation, and job creation.

Moreover, Taskmaster 4450 discussed the importance of tracking the flow of capital for successful trading and investment decisions. He highlighted the significance of understanding where capital is moving within markets, sectors, and globally to make informed decisions about investments.

Additionally, Task briefly touched upon China's economic strategy, noting how their focus on amassing wealth through exports has led to economic success. He warned about the challenges they might face as they transition to a more consumer-driven economy and the potential impact on the balance between public and private sector involvement.

In conclusion, Taskmaster 4450 wrapped up the discussion by suggesting that Spain might not be the last country to implement UBI and hinted at a future video where he will discuss his preferred structure for UBI, hinting that he believes government involvement might not be the best approach due to several reasons he elaborated on in this video.
