COVID Lockdown and Deus Ex Human Revolution Conspiracy


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Anyone remember the game Deux Ex Human Revolution? It involved a conspiracy by the Illuminati to control humanity. It was rated 9/10 back in 2011, which is very good. The story is well done.

At the beginning you hear them speaking about putting society in discomfort so that they will be primed to accept the Illuminati's plan. Part of that involves a biochip. This is similar to some ideas about conspiracies relating to exploiting the scamdemic around the COVID-19 virus and lockdown. I just find it interesting that this game had a conspiracy story that touches on points that might be happening now.

Is the craze for a vaccine to "save" us from the flu-like COVID non-threat going to lead to "immunity" passports, or people using an implanted nanochip to detect what vaccine have been administered? Or for some other purpose? There are some who want that.

Just check out DARPA, they are working on In Vivo Nanoplatforms (IVN). The goal is to inject nanoparticles, potentially though vaccines, "nanoparticles for persistent, distributed, unobtrusive physiologic and environmental sensing, as well as the treatment of physiologic abnormalities, illness, and infectious disease."

People are being forced into increasing stages of desperation as they can't work. They might do anything just to put food on the table. With a lockdown partially lifted, and probably returning in the fall, how many people will reject whatever vaccine the government tries to impose? Get the vaccine and work, or don't get it and starve. Nice choice. That's not freedom. That's tyranny.

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Related to this topic I remember the movie Equilibrium where the action was taking place somewhere in 2030 or so, and in that movie the inhabitants of the planet were forced to take some pills that would transform them into emotionless robots we could say. They weren't allowed to laugh, love, suffer and so on. I know that this pandemic will definitely not lead directly to that but, remembering this type of movies, games like this one, books, David Icke interviews and so on, it really makes sense and it's like witnessing the process through which we're lead towards slavery and chip implementation. I read Icke's and others books 15 years ago and at that time it was pretty hard to imagine how it will all come to the chip, and how would they accomplish that, and on what reasons but it now makes sense. What I find sad is that people don't usually consume such information, and don't do anything for stopping this agenda. This will continue to be a conspiracy till it will become a reality and that's when I will leave this society. I wrote a few posts on this type of topics including 5G but, almost no interaction and desire for such info. Some would even implant that damn chip for one ETH or two... Sad...


The pandemic will not lead directly to that yet but with the gameplan, they want it to.

Sad what they will do to some groups of people. The poor will be the first ones they will convince how awesome this will be. Just like all those ridiculous advertisements "free phone!!!!!11" Nothing is free, you pay for it with something, but what is the question.


Exactly. Why would they make facebook free if there wasn't some hidden plan for that.


Yeah, always ways to entice ppl to accept their slavery.


Yes, great movie. I bet some ppl think in line with the controllers of that movie. We don't know until they speak about it as a desire to implement, as we see with many agenda in some papers. There are conspiracies all around. Some are demonstrable reality, and some are theories. Time is often requires to see some come to fruition.


Some are demonstrable reality, and some are theories. Time is often requires to see some come to fruition.

Exactly. That's the saddest part...
