#WhenCoronaEnds - Three Things I Am Going To Do After


Three Things I Am Going To Do After

Initially I want to thank @theycallmedan for allowing us to participate in their initiative and let us express our point of view.


Initially I would like to express that this, what is happening in the whole world is going to change our point of view on many issues, on our world, on our health, on many issues that we do not know and must know as citizens of the world.

The world will not be the same after this, as it was not the same after the September 11 attack, it will be necessary to take measures and seek responsibility if there are any; and from my point of view the forties will not end like this no more, I imagine that the freedoms of movement, of assembly, among other things, are gradually being restored; but as long as that happens we will continue to dream of a better world for everyone.


These are the three things I will do once the restrictions and quarantine in my country are over:

The first thing I am going to do is follow the construction of my house, the situation in Venezuela is difficult, and it is very difficult to pay a lease when the country's conditions are very precarious, as it is in my country, I must somehow finish my home, and this of the pandemic affected all the personal projects that we had and delaying the personal projects that we had at the beginning of the year.


As a second thing I am going to do, it is to cut my hair, before the pandemic I already had a huge fluff and for lack of time I could not cut my hair, at the end of this quarantine I imagine that I will have it very long, and in general I will not I like to have it like this, I will give myself a gift in the form of a good haircut and the shorter the better.


As a third activity or wish, I am going to go to the beach, for many years now I want a pleasant vacation and enjoy a good natural environment, especially marine, I love the sea and due to life circumstances I live in a mountainous place, total Mind different from the coast, this non-voluntary confinement will not awaken to many the desire to be in a totally open and free environment.

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