Talentos de mi pueblo - "Marian Villalonga" Music Folk of VENEZUELA por @gaborockstar

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Hoy 13 de Enero de 2020 les presento a la comunidad de 3speak una serie de videos referidos a jóvenes que interpretan tanto musicalmente como vocalmente la música folclórica de nuestra amada tierra Venezuela. A esta serie la titularé "Talentos de mi pueblo" y se las iré presentando de a poco para dar a conocer y promover nuestra música nacional a través de estos talentosos niños de Venezuela. Se despide cariñosamente su amigo y profesor @gaborockstar.

Today, January 13, 2020, I present to the 3speak community a series of videos referring to young people who interpret both folk music and vocal music from our beloved land Venezuela. I will title this series "Talents of my people" and I will introduce them little by little to publicize and promote our national music through these talented children from Venezuela. He fondly says goodbye to his friend and teacher @gaborockstar.

Te invito a unirte a uno de los proyectos de apoyo para la comunidad venezolana e hispanoblante que promueve el crecimiento de los usuarios dentro de la plataforma, allí encontrarás muchas actividades que harán que conozcas más acerca del mundo de las criptomonedas y de la redacción de publicaciones. Alli se lleva tambien acabo un programa para músicos los días miércoles a partir de las 8:00 pm llamado #miercolesmusical dirigido por este servidor.

Te invito al Discord de la comunidad vdc donde encontrarás apoyo para tus publicaciones de video en la plataforma Dtube, es una comunidad que organiza y promueve, asesora y orienta diferentes actividades en contenido español y para la comunidad hispanohablante. Su tag o etiquta es vdc para promover tus publicaciones tenemos sals de promoción sobre varias temáticas en producción audiovisual.

One Love Dtube es una comunidad que promueve, apoya y recompensa la creación de material audiovisual, es decir; la creación de videos. Estos pueden ser hechos en castellano como en inglés o cualquier otro idioma. El discord posee varias salas de promoción donde puedes colocar tus publicaciones. El tag o etiqueta es onelovedtube.

Es el proyecto de curación más grande para la comunidad hispanohablante del mundo, dentro de su Discord existen cantidades de estrategias para crecer y desarrollar buen contenido en nuestro idioma natal. Su tag principal es spanish seguido de la palabra cervantes.
Te invito a apoyar este proyecto como witnes y a formar parte de esta gran comunidad uniéndote a su Discord en el siguiente enlace:

▶️ 3Speak


Same video as this one, correct?


Hi Friend, they told me that I could share Dtube videos in 3speak ... I did it on the recommendation of some users who already have time in the platform ... is there a problem? I appreciate any advice that is for the good of the ecosystem. Greetings from Venezuela.


It seems that you may not fully understand how these "platforms" work.

Most of the platforms are dapps or front-ends and not stand-alone platforms. YouTube or soundcloud are completely separate, for example. But, spanish-tribe is a front-end, steempeak is a front-end, Dtube is a front end, 3speak is a front-end and even steemit (the first one) is a front-end. If you post something on one of them, the post will appear on the steem blockchain. For some of them, you need specific tags for them to appear (such as #spanish for spanish-tribe or #photography for photostreem). But they are all on the steem blockchain. Some of the video and audio platforms post automatically to the steem blockchain when you upload a video or a song/track onto their platform. I think 3speak does this, but I'm not sure about DTube, DSound or all the other ones. So if you post a video on 3speak or Dtube, it will appear in your blockchain feed even if I'm looking at it on steempeak or steemit.

So why am I trying to tell you all this? What is going to happen is, curators will eventually notice your multiple posts, stop voting for you, as well as tell other curators what you are doing. You also run a big risk of being reported to the steemcleaners and getting downvoted (or even worse blacklisted), which is why it's good that you responded to my comment! I'd really hate to see you downvoted just because you are unaware of the way steem works.

Posting the same content twice, makes you look like you are trying to get rewards twice for identical content. I would sure like to know who the users are who told you this is ok?


Hello friend, thank you for your good advice and suggestions now I have quite clear the concepts of content recycling or duplication of them ... For the sake of the ecosystem I assure you that this human error on my part more than for ignorance than for Monetary interest will not be repeated again ... I am an integral artist who besides being a musician I am a cartoonist among other things .. I thought I could share the same content in 3Speak but I see how the platform works. To err is human and I am going to rectify and I will make some posts warning those who do not know or are not clear about this. From Venezuela I am grateful for taking some time to help me improve.
