The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 27, Post #4


Welcome to my Hebrew reading & language series.

Genesis 27:15-19

Today's reading

Let the scam commence!

We saw Jacob's mother hatching the plot against Esau last week.

The food is now ready and it is time to execute the plan. She covered his arms and the back of Jacob's neck with goat skin and sends him in to see his father.

Isaac wonders which son has come in to see him, so he asks. Then Jacob does his best Esau impression, bringing a nice hot meal and bread with him.

This is an awesome story of a lie that was well executed, resulting in the birthright being bestowed upon the one who rightfully won it from his brother. But, can they pull it off?


Then Rebekah took the best garments of Esau her older son, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob her younger son. And the skins of the young goats she put on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck. And she put the delicious food and the bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob. So he went in to his father and said, "My father." And he said, "Here I am. Who are you, my son?" Jacob said to his father, "I am Esau your firstborn. I have done as you told me; now sit up and eat of my game, that your soul may bless me."



The story continues next week as Isaac makes sure it is really Esau...

Info on each letter starting at the beginning

If you are just starting, my lessons are all here starting at Alef, adding vowels (the dots and lines) as we go. I explain the meaning of each letter and its numerical value. Just go to my blog and scroll to the bottom or click here

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Thanks for reading.

Shabbat Shalom


Even at that time, women were cunning. It gets even more interesting. I look forward to continuing.
