How Clinical Depression Had Hit Me When I Was So Young



Clinical depression is very weird of a brain condition and it makes you feel blue and sad for no apparent reason like when I was very young I would look at my mole on my arm and cry because somebody had told me that it is a sign that I will have a very big burden on my shoulders.

Well it is funny my fear and expectations in that regard had become true, now I am burdened with multiple organ disabilities and complications that I couldn't even imagined happening before and yet it is a reality in my life now.

But back to being depressed when I was a child, it went on for years and I thought that it was just normal and being a child back then maybe helped me cope with it.

You would ask if what is the cause and the cause that I could suspect was my medication for my mild epilepsy. I had been prescribed with the maximum dosage of 90 mg a day and it was tapered two years or so until I was only taking 30 mg of it per day until my mother and I agreed to stop seeing the doctor in the early 90's.

But for a young age of about 5 years old, taking Phenobarbital had made me suffer such a weird brain condition that if I would get it again today the outcome would have been different because there would be a suicidal ideation and all that self-hurt things that a normal person would not even think about.

I say that if you have a family member who are suffering from clinical depression then they needed a medical intervention before it is too late because it is a serious disease where a person is in a condition that they cannot even comprehend because of that helplessness ideas in their thoughts because their brains are not functioning well.


Iv been there,it sucks and can be hard to get through with out help as ND support and love.
