Valentine's Day Japan style ~ Original Haiku (and v-day info too)


valentine's day
the earth shakes
was it good for you?

There was a 7.1 earthquake not so long ago near Fukushima; the shaking could be felt as far off as Tokyo. Not quite the 9.1 level of a dozen years ago, but still a big one. To look at the bright side of thinks and give it a humorous outlook, the timing—hitting on Valentine's Day—was interesting.

Valentine's Day in Japan

The day in Japan is celebrated a bit differently than in most Western countries. In Japan, Valentine's Day is for men. Women all over the country are expected to buy or make chocolate for their husbands, boyfriends, and male office colleagues.

Yes, male colleagues. That would be called giri-choko or obligation chocolate. It is considered a polite thing for women to do at the office. Polite and... well, pretty much required.

The other kind, given to romantic interests is honmei choko (meaning something like honest feeling chocolate). Women are pressured to make this themselves; for weeks before the main event, kits for making various chocolate things are sold in the stores.

In the past few years a new one has popped-up. Called tomo choko (friendship chocolate) this is chocolate treats women buy each other.

Ah.... it's good to be a man in Japan!

or is it...

White Day

March 14th women get their revenge. That day is more or less the same as Valentine's Day, only this time it is for women. Men are expected to buy chocolate for anyone who gave them chocolate on Valentine's Day.

The Real Winner

I think we know who the real winner is here. It's the department stores who make a killing from both days. Who do you think is responsible for the ideas of these two days in the first place?

Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.
