Home day 58 'primary witness'



Greendeliverence Dutch
MacMeal show

Hive Witness Update First post

Good day its Saturday today Welcome to my great adventure while I'm having a few months sabatical. Reinstalling the primary witness server because it is faster then just looking for a solution of the problem.

Waking up

I wokeup at like 10? I didn't do the Jim kwik routine but I have found new jim kwik materia to follow. More of this next week.

My dinner

Pizza day I had a pulled beef BBQ and some beer as desert.. Oh wait.. desert.. Oh yeah I have desert somewhere hmm but it is a bit late now tomorrow at sunday.


I was busy allday with the witness after crash crash and crash I got enough of it and did a reinstall. I think the last big update with the swapfile the server went a bit crazy. This is a new server and the backup witness is buzzing like a bee so I'm reinstalling the primary. Tonight I'm watching the wolf of wallstreet.

My tasks will be for now

  • Priority one the witness server reinstallation
  • yes still that christmastree
  • Have Fun watching the wolf of wallstreet

Nice and warm

Tonight nice the at the fireplace/stove and heat the house a little bit in the foreside of the house. There is a draft going around the house as a side affect of the reconstruction last year.


First Home day post
Last Home day post


I want to improve my posts so if you see something you don't like or that I'm not using the right tools just comment on my post. The better the posts the more I can help others with it.


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Stay tuned for updates this post needs editing

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