Home day 57 'primary witness'



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Hive Witness Update First post

Good day its thursday today Welcome to my great adventure while I'm having a few months sabatical. Busy with the witness and having a terrible day, yeah it's my own fault.

Waking up

I wokeup at .... I dont know anymore. I was up till late had a nasty breakup with my bottle of wodka and that when I wasn't that well I didn't do the Jim kwik routine

The day went by like in a blink of an eye... poefff gone it was. Now I'm like why did I do that yesterday... whyyyy so much time gone.

My dinner

I had brownbean soup with some bread. Simple and easy out of a can in the microwave and here it is. Bread some beansoup nice simple and fast.


It is friday today the day went by like crazy I slept not good I was up till late. So today you can see as a loss well not completely. I think I will meditate while the witness server is updating. The primary server that was down was migrated first. I will solve the problem I had with this witness server and then activate him. This server has now 60gb memory and more hd space. This upgrade was free but I paid the swap because the free option would me to install the whole server again and that would take day's, now too but I will only do a new download and a replay. the new download is now at 30%

My tasks will be for now

  • Priority one the witness servers Migration to a better vps and checking the primary witness server.
  • yes still that christmastree
  • have a hangover

Aquaponics update

About the brown beans, these are growing nicely. The leaves are light because of the pumpmalfunction. After I cleaned the pumps this will recover. You see it immediately when the plants need more vishpoop to grow. I have to see when I can take the brown beans. So the plant will make more.


First Home day post
Last Home day post


I want to improve my posts so if you see something you don't like or that I'm not using the right tools just comment on my post. The better the posts the more I can help others with it.


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Stay tuned for updates this post needs editing

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The blocklog is downloaded now it is decompressing this wil take 3 hours. I go to bed now and pick this up tomorrow.
