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It takes a while for an egg to become a chicken and if you are not patient enough, you can never get its result of becoming a full grown hen. That moment you are waiting for it to grow, you feed it to survive. This is what we call PATIENCE.

Arnold Glasow say something about this here 👇

"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg- not by smashing it."

It is an impatient being that would smash the egg without waiting for the good result in it. If you had waited for the egg to become a chicken, gradually it produces more eggs for you and from there, you can become rich through having a poultry farm and selling them. This is also likened to anything you want to become in life. No man ever got to the height by shortcuts, even if he or she manages to, the end is nothing to write home about. You end up regretting your steps and mistakes you ever did.

The reward of patience is success, not only that but an everlasting success that brings happiness and peace of mind.

Who doesn't need peace? We all do. This is why the only solution to this is to have the heart of patience. Why are you in a hurry when you should give it time? Taking it step by step will give you the experience you will tell of in the future. Have you seen someone bragging about being rich through rituals? Such person will only regret while he is dying and advising others to wait for their time. Why can't such person wait for his or her time?

Be patient, for your time will come. Instead of running up and down finding the best solution to the wrong you have done, you should wait and be hardworking in the right way so that when the harvest time comes, you will be proud of yourself and have the best of what is in stock for you.

Do not run ahead of your destiny. Do not forcefully eat what you can't chew. Stay within your limits and stop comparing yourself to those who had made it. Even if you must compare, then do so with those in the grave.
