Received Carnivine from a friend



I've been quite busy the past few days so I haven't made any posts. I also couldn't really catch a lot of Ralts during Community Day as I could only catch some Pokémon using Incense due to being away and not close to a Pokéstop. Maybe I'll still write a post about it, as I did evolve one into Gardevoir and one into Gallade for the moves.

When I had a bit of time this week I did manage to do two Rayquaza Raids, and at these Raids I saw a friend who went to the Dortmund GO Fest back in July. He still had a few Carnivine and was definitely keeping one for me. So I traded with him as I had not done a Special Trade yet that day.

Carnivine registered.jpg

Here we go, new Pokédex registry for Carnivine. I usually prefer catching Pokémon myself to register them in my Pokédex, but with Carnivine being a regional that would be quite difficult. I do of course still want to catch some Carnivine in the wild myself if I go on vacation to where they spawn. Surely they will also do an event at some point in the future where these can spawn on multiple places, or perhaps be available from eggs. Since only the Generation 1 regionals have had an event where they could be in 7 km eggs from friends, and Carnivine is Generation 4, I imagine that might still be a long way from now. Thus I enjoy having one already right now.
