ADDAX Daily Report - Free Upvote and MAXUV Token Promo - How to find bargain tokens - Day 24


The numbers first: the fund is up nicely at 1120 STEEM (+6 STEEM), with 22,703 tokens in the game this gives an ABV of about 4.93 STEEM cents - slightly up on yesterday.

Just 4 more days of activity left! ADDAX is doing well and am preparing for the final distribution.

To continue with yesterdays theme on tokens that will show modest profits in the short-term and have a very low risk of bombing!

One of them is, of course, ADDAX itself; worth checking if any sales are now below today's ABV.

I suspect few people have truly understood the mechanisms that underpin the MAPR token, but just as an experiment, take a look at the current cheapest price to buy; this is 1.0159 STEEM per token. Now, if you look at the Buy Orders, you'll see the official price of 1.01498. How do you know it's the "official price"? It tells you in the most recent weekly profit statement.

Now, unless there is some technical catastrophe, this coming week's distributed profits will be in the range of 0.35-0.40%. This will take the official Buy order to somewhere around the 1.019 mark; for a token you just bought at 1.0159.

Sure, profits are only 20% APR, but compare that to the tumbling prices of so many tokens.

The ADDAX game started on 30 July at about 1:00 AM UTC and so will finish on 27 August at the same time. Any disruptions due to HF21 will be handled at the time.

Just as a reminder, here is the MAXUV launch post and the Steem Engine MAXUV market.

Let me know what you think.

Now on to today's random upvote! Our VP is not huge, but still makes some nice bonuses.

Today's random upvote goes to... @steemitcuration. Congratulations!

I know, it's always the same names! It actually is still worth joining the ADDAX game at this late stage as even within a week can probably make more profit than most other tokens.

Feel free to ask any questions. Enjoy the ADDAX trading game!

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