Tap Dancer -5minutefreewrite


For https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-760-5-minute-freewrite-friday-prompt-tap-dancer

She moves in staccato rhythms like the night. The night is black as her shoes.
Candace cannot see her; she can only hear her dance. She stands outside. The clouds block the sky, even the moon is gone. Or maybe it’s a new moon. She can’t remember. She only knows how dark it is.

The woman inside dances in her dark bedroom. Everything is dark. Even the taps sound dark. They sound like a dirge sounds, unwillingly brought forth. Candace expects the woman tap dancing to dance with joy. Indeed, every other night, as she’s listened from her own home next door. On the same floor, even, she’s heard this dancer dancing with joy. That’s why she’s come outside, to stand in front of the apartment building that houses the dancer. She wants to know why the dancer dances like a dirge.

It was not too long ago that Candace lost her own wife.
Photo credit me. Night in a city, by a tree.

