Ring in a Birthday -5minutefreewrite


For https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-762-5-minute-freewrite-sunday-prompt-ring-in-a-birthday
Oh no! There’s a ring in my birthday! I wash and I wash, and still, RINGS. It’s like my soap doesn’t even know what to do with me.

Well, no more! Now there’s magical divorce the day spray. If your birthday keeps asking you to marry it, just spray it with a little of this, and the proposal will turn into a noposal. Follow the complete set of directions.

  1. Ask for a day or two of work so that the day can’t catch you with nothing to do.
  2. Break all the dishes in your house, so that you and your birthday are already feeling stressed.
  3. Check your privilege. You might not be the only one with a birthday today.
  4. Request an audit of your cards. There might be a jack of spades in there amongst all the birthday wishes, and you can’t trust a jack of spades
  5. Simper and weep.
  6. Clean the gutters with tremendous fource. Insist that changing seasons are the reasons. Yes, fourse is spelled that way on porpoise. I’m no fool.
  7. Watch out for the flu. This is the best time to get it, avoiding a proposal is a lot easier when you can insist the birthday be postponed to a day when you aren’t sick.

Another good way to avoid a proposal is to always be in bad lighting. This photo (credit me) demonstrates thatKIMG0056.jpg

