Lazy Wind -5minutefreewrite



The willow bent. A mere sapling, even this lazy wind pushed it towards the horizon. Quietly, all leaves fluttered.

In the lazy wind, a lazy ladybug spent the afternoon waiting for aphids to wander past. She didn’t want to expend any energy finding them. She was sure she was near death anyways, and would rather spend her time enjoying a quiet day.

On the first weekend, Bradley spent his lazy wind Sunday watching the Tigers beat the Duck-billed Platypuses. ESPN 7 had High School baseball from a not-too-distant school and its cross-county rival.

On the second weekend, Bradley spent his lazy wind Sunday drinking mead he’d made himself from the honey his neighbor poured from the beehive he kept. He shared his flowers and his mead with Zheryk.

On the third weekend, Bradley spent his lazy wind Sunday finally reading the last chapter of that Peter Sellers biography. He’d begun reading it when he was in a book club, but he’d left the book club years ago, and had never gotten around to finishing the book.

On the fourth weekend, Bradley spent his lazy wind Sunday getting a jump on his taxes. He liked to be prepared, but he hated doing work twice, so he only filled out the parts that he was sure wouldn’t change, like “Marital Status: Single”.

On the fifth weekend, Bradley spent his lazy wind Sunday marrying Zheryk, much to his surprise. He’d not really though love would find him at his age, nor that his lover would be a man, but sometimes life surprises you.

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