The Flag of The New Society


The Flag And Symbol of The New Society..

Quoted From Wikipedia:

Thylejren (Thy Camp) aka "Frøstruplejren" started as an encampment and festival in the summer of 1970. The community behind the festival, Det Ny Samfund (The New Society) – had found an area in Han Herred between Frøstrup and Østerild (near Thy in Denmark) where they could host a festival, inspired by the Isle of Wight festival in England and Woodstock in United States.

When some of the participants stayed during the winter, Thylejren developed into a more permanent settlement with DIY-houses — still upholding the hippie-ideal after more than 40 years. As such, Thylejren is truly an alternative society in the midst of the Danish society - a micro-nation with its own territory.

Catch Part 1 Here &

Catch Part 2 Here

The flag is consisting of multiple meanings.


Around the edge is a Mandala in blue, and the Danish flag in the middle. The Left corner you can see the Autonom/Antifa flag with red and black, and the middle part of the flag goes up as the stem of a mushroom, with the Rainbow bowing over it.

Anyone is Welcome to come visit here.

.. and they did choose to be publicly on the internet, but for now they have stopped new residency applications. There is not a set time limit to stay here though, and guests can pitch a tent for 10dkk per night which is something like a dollar, or you can also park your truck for a bit more each night.

Im not sure how long I will stay, maybe I take the next ride south leaving in a week or two. New people who dont live here but visit often, seem to think that I've lived here for years already and I overheard a guy say: "He looks like he has been here forever"

Another place to call a base it seems then, more RL solidarity is what is needed and also for more people to start buying or occupying private owned pieces of land and making more places like this on the planet, especially in Europe.

It will only be younger people who arnt even teenagers yet, and the older ones already in the blockchain space such as @eco-alex with plans underway, who will be the pioneers for creating the future Anarchist Micro Nations and we have a good few years before they are created more - but its coming!

Time is also flying with me posting things on a social media site!


Only as its on a decent blockchain, I do it!
One is enough 😝

Big Love & Abundance


