Our Charity program will test ENGLISH speaking sessions / Sessions Anglophones pour notre programme caritatif

Authored by @itharagaian.net


Greetings to all english speaking people.

Some english speaking people contacted us to be able to join the game and live sessions.
We are of course glad to welcome them.

And we will test the English Thursday's, starting tomorrow.
Thurdays, from 16 to 19 (belgian time), the session will be for you all !

Please be gentle, my english accent is maybe not the best ever haha... But our goal is to entertain and help people in the need, so I will do my best.

Thank you for your time and interest.

Nous ferons dorénavant une session live en Anglais, chaque jeudi de 16 à 19 afin de permettre aux anglophones de rejoindre notre programme caritatif.
Merci de faire tourner!

Merci pour votre temps et votre participation.

Grandir ensemble...
Le réseau d'entr'aide, de soutien...

Si vous désirez aider @IGNET: https://peakd.com/fr/@ignet/aider-ignet

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