By the time that you read this...



... I will be with my wife watching the latest STAR WARS! It's weird, my wife didn't really get into Star Wars when it was only the trilogy, but she has come on board with the whole thing with me at the cinema... but oddly enough, she still hasn't watched the original three movies!

Anyway, I've spent the better part of the last couple of weeks, studiously avoiding any internet spoilers or anything like that... and to not get any last minute spoilers, I'm going off the internet for the rest of the day and the morning tomorrow! It would be terrible to have survived this long and then only get it wrecked at the end, just before the movie starts!

So, we are tying this movie in the afternoon with an anniversary dinner at a really nice Mexican restaurant that we had previously gone to before... and where I first became acquainted with REAL Mexican food! I have to say that it is really quite stunning... the cuisine is nothing like what I had been exposed to beforehand... so, I'm really quite happy to be returning there again... I even remember that they had a really nice red ale that I might order again, but this time I will have something different for the mains... even though the cocoa chicken was pretty damn awesome!

I have spent a few minutes revisiting some of the best scenes in the movies that have past... and still jumping clear of any spoilers for the new movie. Although, I guess I should stop checking out YouTube or my luck will run out soon...

This above scene was one of my all time favourites... the moment when Yoda connects with his inner bad-arse and comes a hair's breadth away from defeating Dooku! I remember when this scene showed in the cinema... the place just went wild when Yoda forced pulled out his lightsaber... and the duel afterwards is awesome, with the little old green guy running rings around the Sith.

I was a huge fan of Rogue One... I definitely think it was THE best of the most recent films... and this ending scene of the standalone movie was one of the most EPIC moments which would set up the original trilogy of movies. Rogue One had all the makings of a real tragedy, epic and cathartic... but this ending was that little ray of hope that made the film just so amazing from a narrative point of view.

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Enjoy the movie!!!!

I hope you love it!


I cry for the loss of the Stars Wars that I once knew...


Is that a thumbs down?

I really liked it. I mean there is stuff I could over analyze and dislike.... but I just let the fan service wash over me and enjoyed it.



Hope you enjoyed it.
I thought it was a really good film -far better than I expected. And some of settings were jaw-dropping. I love a bit of industrial archaeology, and there was some of that on a grand scale.
The usual inconsistencies, plot holes, etc. but it still was far better than I anticipated.
The Phantom Menace trilogy is still a pile of steaming bantha poo, mind.


I loved it when Lucasarts still had it and there was the expanded universe. The last three have really ruined it... maybe it is rose-tinted glasses but I really liked the prequel 3... except for the terrible love story... that was super cringy!




I'm starting to think I need to watch them again too be sure... But at the moment, I would rate them above these three!


Hi, @bengy

Since I was a kid I've been a fan of the 3 original Star Wars movies. I had a replica of the Millennium Falcon and Skywalker's ship and obviously the figures of the main characters: Chewie, Han, Luke, Leia, Vader, C3PO, R2D2 (By the way people call him "Arturito" (Little Arthur) here since the sound of the letters ;D ... and yes, it's a "he" for us.

I agree with you that Rogue One was one of the best movies I've seen since the three I mentioned earlier. Seeing Vader fighting with his sword and wiping out the poor soldiers was just too cool. Obviously, one of them had to escape. But I'm sure none of them would have had a chance to escape with the plans for the death star otherwise. You know what I mean?

I didn't like any of the other new films and for some reason, I don't feel the same excitement about the new ones anymore. Even though they have the original characters in it.

Of course, I had to see this last film to give closure to this dynasty.

Like you, I never saw any trailer or scene from this last movie to see if it had any impact on me when I saw it. Unfortunately, it didn't. Really, it's fun and it's nice to see the favorite characters from the past again, however, I wouldn't see it as many times as I have seen the original three (which I saw thousands of times).

Maybe you can change my mind ;D

Thanks for sharing :)

Ps. I've been working together with my friend @crypto.piotr and few other guys on non-profit community project build on steem blockchain. It's called @project.hope

Please allow me to share with you link to our latest article, where we're explaining our economy and our goals. Your feedback and comment would be greatly appreciated.


Nope... I don't think I can change your mind... I've been quite disappointed since Disney took over. I loved the expanded Universe... and it just hurts me to see what they did with it... (killed the expanded universe and replaced it with this...). Jedi/Sith were special, powerful but not invincible... now anyone can hold their own and do the same... it's not really that interesting!


It's time for a whole new story... No more Star Wars... Can't they invent something else?

Haven't you noticed it's always the same story but remastered? Aladdin, Lion King, Star Wars, etc.

For God's sake, there are more resources to create even more fantastic and wonderful stories and they can only do the same? :/
