Another soldier story, and more - Short Fantasy Story (Part 5)


The day went by quickly, but it was tiring. And more than I could have guessed. It turned out that that pile of iron wasn't the only one that had to be loaded. And then after lunch a new wagon was brought to unload but this time with big and small bars that had to be unloaded and taken to the forge. The smithy was actually one huge chamber in that building, and when we went inside to leave that load, we saw three large furnace and three anvils, but only one of them was busy. The elder, a stout soldier, was forging something that was still waiting to get its proper shape. He didn't pay attention to us, except for the occasional glance at us, probably not to put something where it didn't fit. We spent most of the day getting in and out of that room, and just before we were sent back for dinner, I spotted a table in the corner, covered with the largest array of woodworking tools and equipment I had ever seen in my life. I have never seen many of the tools, but by their shape I could guess their purpose. Hunger took me further, though I was quite sure I could stay there for a long time.

We did the same thing for days, there were no breaks except breaks to eat. I didn't see my friends, except in the evening when we went to sleep, but everyone was too exhausted and we talked a little. Everyone was tired, and fatigue was always a priority that must be addressed, so we slept, ate, and spoke very little.

After the seventh day, Captain Valer lined us up just after we arrived at the barracks. '' So guys, you have already realized that soldier life is not easy, or similar to that of the songs. Starting today, you will have lectures on bows and arrows every day. How they are used, how they are made, every part and aspect of them. When we're done with that, you'll be able to go to the training ground. What you need to know first is that shooters are often neglected, and considered to be a less important part of an army. However, the previous generation of generals, who had commanded in many wars, thought differently and had other ideas. They have, through their ideas, improved our way of warfare, including archery squads as one of the crucial parts of warfare tactics. In this regard, we had to improve the ways we make and operate our weapons. All this together has now made our army an elite unit. So you will be taught all the secrets of this call. You will be sworn over the stone of Belief, to ensure that you never reveal the secrets learned here in cases where you are captured by an enemy. Come on now, go to the warehouse, here's a piece of paper with a list of supplies you need, everything will given to you. These are some papers, ink and some tools. Come here right after that, so we can get started. '' He turned and started collecting some arrows of various shapes and sizes, as well as tools.

Two months of training, constant learning about all aspects of archery. And I must admit that all three of us were curious, and ready for this job. We have been learning, remembering, and constantly absorbing knowledge. Some strange takeaway nested in my chest, so I began to look forward to each new day, I guess, because it was all similar to what I did with my father in the workshop. The other two guys also seem to have some history of carpentry or forging. The captain was pleased with our progress, so we learned most of the area faster than he had imagined. I still kept to myself that I had carved Gods figures and that I have some tool myself. The whole kit I brought from home was still hidden in the bottom of my backpack.

In between all these classes, we had exercises to keep our physical fitness at a good level. But over time, I no longer felt tired, just ready. The whole rhythm of life here, I was beginning to like. I have to admit I didn't expect it. The same thing happened to my comrades, but they belonged to detachments that were more practical, returning at night covered in bruises, and so tired that they could barely stand. However, I think they liked it later. They were finding themselves.

I could not wait for the day when we would go out to practice with different types of arrows and bows. All sorts of things awaited us. Target shooting on the move, from the horse, then using crossbows, short and long bows. Small or long range arrows. Countless possibilities. As I became more familiar with archery, I could more and more notice the ingenuity of those generals who put our skills into warfare.

Every day I went more and more content to sleep. I rarely thought of home, less and less.



According to the Bible, Is the Bible final and complete? How does it support science? (Part 4 of 4)

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According to the Bible, Charity Means Love (2 of 5)

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