RE: Reminders Why I Went Somewhere Else...


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Ah, you old hippy, you!lol.

I think where we are right now 'in the cycle' of things, is a place not suitable for fence sitters. (excluding old hippies of course)

Politics is down stream from culture, and so politics is never really about politics,(as in the party system) it's more about fundamental difference of perspectives and values.

The tipping point has come (for various reasons, but mostly banking and money at the heart of things).
It's about supporters of 'the system' (rightly or wrongly), and those that want a new direction.
Disruption of everything is a necessary (and unpleasant) part of he process..

I'll send you some lentils...lolol.


I guess I'm just "too much of a Buddhist" in some ways... very rarely — if ever — are people or ideas 100% right or 100% wrong. Whenever the insistence that something has to be done according to a certain system, you inevitably end up with some being repressed and ignored, leading to unrest, leading to a new "revolution" and the cycle just goes on and on...

I seem to remember the Swiss were in the early stages of trying to abolish "fractional banking" some years back, in an attempt to return to a "real" monetary system, in which banks can't "create" money simply by making loans. I don't think it got very far, but at least there was enough interest at a national level for a proposed referendum.

Of course, they are a little different, with their direct democracy...


You coma across as too genuine to be a hippy,
(I've yet to meet one who isn't up there own arse and whose favored mode of communication is passive aggressive..).
