Musaz's Message Revolution by Pen Book Loyalty to Mission Ata


Praise be to Allah!
From 2018 to 2019
Musaz's Message Revolution by Pen Book
Loyalty to Mission Ata
Come on
Become a son
Come on
Become a disciple
Come on
By being kind
Thank the good ones
Thousands of students in 58 schools have been dreamed up by Dr Hanif Khan Sahib
Dreams of awake eyes
And their interpretation of their existence
To stand on the feet
To move forward

Gave courage, encouragement and determination
Gave insights, thinking, and ideas
Out of fear, hypocrisy and opposition

Confidence, assured
Taught love, brotherhood and tolerance
He taught consensus, morality and division
35 Sponsorship of Students
Be at peace
For dowry
In support of
Donated Rs 14 lakh
Without donations, funds
, At your own expense
He also gave lectures on the dimensions of Mianwali.

Of politicians, elders and landlords
Of feet and advisers
The way to escape slavery
Now, the year 2020, for them
Revolution by pen will be the year of the book
When Musaz's message
The house will echo in the house
Together with the plate of Musaz
Revolution through education
Let us send the message of Musaz in every corner
