3rd semester


Hey everyone..!
Today’s is good because of mine university going to be start after two months Holliday. Yea I was very happy when i got informed by my friend you know what its very hard to spend your whole holidays in your home or maybe just in a single room. I can’t go anywhere because of mine EASA exams my all university’s friends went to very beautiful places and capture some of picture that places and put it on whatsaaap facebook or others social media where i have seen them and felt very bad. Well now university start and we are shifted in hostel. In this semester 6 subjects we are going to study. These are the subjects statistics and probability, material and hardware, islamic studys, aviation and legislation, digital tachneques and english 3. I have not took any class yet but aviation legislation are seems like tough well no matter how much hard its my need to learn legislations of aviations because its all about related to humans lives. We can not compromise in it by any side of it. I don’t know whats going next but i hope this semester will pass in good way. May be some hard time comes in our life its our responsibility to pass it with courage and do our best.
8j2vqzubd4.jpg this is my schedule of the this semester. I hope it goes with peace.

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