My photography (06/08/2019) : Wild but Beautiful and Useful.


This morning re-inspecting the wild around my house. The sun was shining softly today which had been rather hot a few days ago.

The plant in my area is called Boh Rambut Bue because this fruit is one of the favorite foods for forest monkeys. Latin name of this plant is Passiflora Foetida L, lives in tropical areas and crawls both in the land and climbing in other plants.

The flowers arise from buds and become beautiful flowers. Green fruit is protected by a layer of fibers and when ripe the fruit will be yellow. the fruit can be consumed with a sour and sweet taste and is beneficial, among others, to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and soothe muscle spasms and therapy for swelling due to wounds, besides the shoots of the leaves can be cooked as vegetablesplants which are also often called Stinking Passionflower come from South America and Central America.

That's all my short post this morning and thanks a lot to all of you who stopped by.
Hopefully this post is useful for friends and success for all of you.
