Prepare to fall - Written by @nachomolina



Prepare to fall

Author: @nachomolina

"Sometimes things are not as they seem. Each adventure also brings an adventure, it only depends on the glass with which you look."

A life on the rise

In our challenge to grow, we destroy everything in our path, taking the heads of those who get in the way, sometimes we do it without noticing.

Climbing positions is something that should cause pleasure. Ascend to the events, always having someone as a reference, someone who allows you to evaluate and weigh your achievement. I personally think that success is for sharing and all knowledge acquired will be incomplete if we do not diversify it.

Constant balance

But, everything goes up and down. In this changing world in which we live we can move drastically,

from abundance to austerity. It will be up to us to be prepared to cope with the cause. Helping others should be our main interest, because if at one time we are doing badly, surely around us there will be many that can fare even worse.

"On one occasion I remember when I advanced in my Engineering studies, I passed my chair of "Structural Analysis", but my colleagues unfortunately did not fare well and they all failed. I quickly devised the way to help, I suggested that they enroll the intensive course and I would devote full time for 45 days to teach them. The result was optimal and so none of them had to go back to the subject."

To think big is to think in a collective

In this way I could see that when you think in a collective, usually we will all be favored, likewise, I learned that the knowledge acquired would be nothing for me, if I had not shared it.

Being always willing to help is a noble gesture. I think that we should open space between the crowds and figure, try to be the best possible. But, likewise, go sowing seeds along the way so that the fruit of what we did can be harvested. In my opinion, we never function alone, we must always be part of the interaction of others who, in their role performance, acted in our favor at some point.

Get solid experience

"Prepare to fall" It refers to the instability of life,

its reciprocating movement which makes us have a golden age at some time, but which, to maintain it, we have to have a lot of tact. In that constant search for balance we are conditioned to fall, at some point, because everything has its equivalent that compensates for it; something that swings between the two poles Positive-negative. Sometimes it takes, even in other cases it seems that it does not affect us...

"But that natural effect of things and their behavior will always give us a taste of their

Prepare to fall

In my opinion, I believe that if we take forecasts over time and prepare ourselves physically and morally to face life, then we should reach a state of understanding that allows us to go up and down, fall and get up, laugh and cry; because everything is part of "Living".

"Just as we lean on a brother's shoulder so as not to faint, there is also someone who will need to lean on us to take an accurate step, or to get up after falling."


[Original Content]

