Wedang Uwuh, Healthy Traditional Drink


Indonesia has a large variety of healthy traditional drinks. Made from natural ingredients and processed in the traditional way. One of them is Wedang Uwuh

Wedang uwuh is a beverage with ingredients in the form of leaves similar to garbage. In Javanese, wedang means drink, while uwuh means trash. Wedang uwuh served hot or warm has a sweet and spicy taste with a bright red color and fragrant aroma. Spicy because of the ingredients of ginger, while the red color due to the presence of sapphire. Wedang uwuh is a typical drink from Yogyakarta.

In the beginning Wedang Uwuh was still in the form of whole ingredients in the form of original spices, but along with the times and the need for practicality, now Wedang Uwuh has been developed into an instant form, or a dip. (source:

The ingredients of Wedang uwuh include: Ginger, Secang Wood, Cloves, clove flowers, clove stems and clove leaves, Wood and sweet leaves, nutmeg and nutmeg leaves, root and lemongrass leaves, cardamom and rock sugar.

Typical Beverage Imogiri Yogyakarta "Wedang Uwuh"


  • Warms the body
  • Reduce stiffs after work

While there are other benefits of this Uwuh wedang sourced from :

  1. Relieve Fatigue
  2. Relieve Pain
  3. Blood circulation
  4. Prevent and Relieve Cold Symptoms
  5. Lowering Cholesterol
  6. Relieve inflammation
  7. Treating Cough
  8. Strengthening the Immune System

Serving method :

  • Ginger crushed then put into a glass together with other ingredients, then brewed with hot water
  • Drink while still warm hbt4bsfok6.jpg What I drink is a production from Miss Elin Imogiri Yogyakarta 88z2xj6efy.jpg How about you, have you ever tasted Wedang Uwuh?
