Shifting to local to local economy?



I hoped that with the Covid crisis a lot of companies would have moved out of Asia. On the contrary, some local companies from Germany are closing the production facilities here. The irony is that the state is giving such companies money.

They get money to develop facilities in other countries. The brain washed leftist think that this is good. I'm not agreeing on this. Keep the local workforce if you want to have left politics. Invest in local to local. I'm a capitalist and believe on free market, but with rules.

Not many, but this rules shall be applied all over the world. It does not make sense to apply only in a few places environmental politics and in other places pollution mayhem. We live on the same planet and it affects us all.

I buy local stuff, even if sometimes it is more expensive, but I think that it is important to have local production.

I avoid products from far away, as long as I can.

How do you see it?


Alex, this time I believe you are totally wrong. It is the socialism view that jobs must be local. The capitalism view is that the companies should hire people wherever they get more for the money they pay. It is the free market that should decide where the business will be established. Capital has no border. It will go to the places where it can produce more value. No government should decide or influence that. The role of the government is as a administrator of the public services (the less, the better - as state can not be efficient as it has no equal competitors).
