Cities Skylines Part 6 - Watching the city, new & better buildings and growth of the city


Watching the city, new & better buildings and the growth of the city

Note: There is a light blackness added to the sides from subtle vignette as an effect of choice to add slightly more flair to the video.

Starting off this episode, I get a good watching eye over the city, watching the different towns up close while I wait and work out what I will build next and until I have extra money as well for the incinerator. Viewing the city as a whole really brings it to life as you go all around the areas you have built up, with the beauty of a lively, functional city.

As soon as I had done with that I proceed to move onto the luxury area. Working on building new & better buildings including offices, apartment complexes and more. It would add value to the location with inclusion of my luxury theme and boosting the economy + population growth overall.

Finally I move onto multiple areas to grow the towns through more building, roads being extended, anything I need or want to put there so we have constant growth of the city and slowly but surely, the size will become so much bigger.

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