My favourite 'corporate' job that I shot over the Summer


Over the summer I shot and cut this highlights video for UK betting company SkyBet.
It was covering their Summer annual business 'get together' called The Gathering.

I wrote about the insane location of the event, and a bit about how ace it was over on this post here back in July 2019.

This is the fourth year that I have been asked to shoot coverage of the event; and honestly the events, themes and locations get even more insane (in a good way!)

It was held at a film set for TV show 'Victoria' which was on ITV in the UK - so we had a replica of Buckingham Palace to film around. It was quite amazing.

I'm really pleased how the edit turned out - I tried to capture lots of action in exciting ways, from whip-pan cuts, to speed ramping shots from a gimbal moving from one location to another.

The main challenge is conveying the grandness and scale of the event, while telling it's story of why the event is so important for the business by showing the kinds of talks and activities they have on offer. These included export panels on safer gambling, hilarious tech based talks and the top level managers/ceo's being involved in Q&A's.

The video was edited and signed off a couple of weeks after the event but it has only been listed online fairly recently, hence such a late post about it.

I enjoy this kind of work and would love to do more of this for other businesses in the UK.

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Looks like that would have made a great venue for a SteemFest in the UK.

Maybe next year....


Haha yes!
I like your thinking.
