World is Sleepwalking Towards Currency Collapse ~ Alasdair Macleod … (Death of the Dollar–21) with Link to Full Story


The future depression will be like the past depression. But worse.

Alasdair Macleod –
"World is Sleepwalking Towards Depression and Currency Collapse"

(Right-click title to see original story)

   (Image source)

– Flash Points –

1 – The current credit cycle is about to enter a crisis stage.
2 – Increased tariffs by the US and China will exacerbate the situation.
3 – Statistics are deluding us, even economists, into thinking all is well.
4 – The fact is, we are heading for global currency collapse.

– Synopsis –

According to numerous indicators, world economic growth is slowing. In fact, the current situation is similar to the situation preceding the crash of October 1929.  

Manipulation and Inflation 

In the current situation, there are 2 notable differences from 1929, writes Alasdair Macleod. First, today’s money is not backed by gold. That means that today, central banks can simply continue to inflate asset prices, creating an even bigger bubble.   

Second, statistics today are used to manipulate, distort, and hide the truth – giving a false view of the economic situation. It’s not only that the 2 common indicators of GDP (gross domestic product) and CPI (consumer price index) do not provide an accurate picture of the economy. The fact is, they are also misleading.

Gross Distortion Project 

Macleod states that, while GDP can measure monetary inflation, it cannot measure economic progress, aka “growth.”  Consequently, macroeconomists measure growth in terms of monetary inflation. Essentially, you are determined to be getting richer if you seem to be getting richer. 

According to Macleod, CPI is “based on assumptions that do not accord with reality,”  and is essentially a con. To wit, inflation is not an increase in the general level of the prices of goods; it’s the result of monetary debasement. That is, the result of excessive money-printing.   (Image source)

So Let it Be Fiat 

After the stock-market crash of 1929, the powers-that-be could not hide the fact that their economies were headed for a depression, in fact, a Great Depression. Nowadays, however, with fiat currencies unbacked by gold, the authorities can fudge the numbers and engage in all sorts of chicanery.

As a result, they can not only delay the inevitable crash, they can also make it appear as if there is no crash on the horizon. But there is.

– Insight from Outside –

History is replete with examples of great powers and principalities sleepwalking into truly horrible futures.  

Into Collapse, into Oblivion 

In one instance, it was the nations of Europe sleepwalking into World War 1 (and, avoidably, into World War 2). In other instances, it was any of the great empires of history slipping into oblivion, while most of their citizens and even leaders remained completely oblivious of their impending fate. 

This Time, it’s Different. Isn’t it? 

Of course, the truly enlightened and rational 21st-century man would never let that happen to his society, his economy, his world …. (Oh, never mind.) 

This Time, it’s Worse 

After years of manipulation, distortion, fraud, lies, deceit, extend-and-pretend, and kicking the can down the road, the great economies of today are facing a future that will not be much different than its past. Except worse.   (Image source)

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It is really disturbing to know that another economic depression is lurking in the dark while world leaders continue to sleepwalk and slumber. Ultimately, Bitcoin could prove to be a safe haven when the evil day finally comes.


Very disturbing, indeed. This one will spread to all corners of the globe, and be brutal for billions of people. Hopefully those of us who find safe havens will be able to provide relief and support for those who don't have any safe havens.


Dear @majes.tytyty

It's very hard not to agree with those dark economic predictions. Results of coronavirus will be painful for very many people around the world. Some people see it as a Black Swan. I rather see it as a straw that broke camels back.

today’s money is not backed by gold. That means that today, central banks can simply continue to inflate asset prices, creating an even bigger bubble.

Would that mean, that banks should never come to situation where they do not have any money left? I wonder how come many banks in China closed down withdrawals, since money can be printed from the "thin air".

ps. I think you should check how does your post look like in 'night mode'. It does look quite awful to tell you the truth ;)

Upvoted already. Have a great monday,
Yours, Piotr


Banks will eventually come to a point where they've printed so much fake fiat money that (as you say) "the straw will break the camel's back."

The thing is, fiat money is based on simple faith. As the banks print more and more money, it's value decreases. At first, people don't realize that the value is decreasing, so they continue to have faith in it. But eventually, they will lose all faith. That's when the "camel's back" will break.

(As for the night mode, you've informed me before, and I know it doesn't look great. But it's impossible to have it look great in both night mode and normal mode.)


Hi @majes.tytyty

The thing is, fiat money is based on simple faith.

Yes and no. Most FIAT money generally seem to be backed up by debt. Household debt, corporation debt, students debts, morgages etc.

This is debt that need to be paid back. So most of that FIAT = liability = our earning power in the future. For that reason money have value to us.

However QE and pumping cheap money into REPO market -> that's hell of a different story. Hope I'm making sense?

Correct me if I'm wrong.

As for the night mode, you've informed me before, and I know it doesn't look great. But it's impossible to have it look great in both night mode and normal mode

It is possible and I could help you with that. You just need to use .png files instead of .jpg. And white background need to be "transparent".

If you would send me all those graphics to my email, then I can do that for you and send you back .png files.



I see your point about "debt that needs to be paid back." But that's now becoming part of the problem. The US debt is now over $23 trillion. That's such an insane amount that it can NEVER be paid back. Never never ever.
Re the .png files, are you saying that the white background will automatically become transparent? I might do some research and see if I can do that myself.

As for the parts that look "AWFUL," is it only the lines that I use to separate the different sections. I have only 2 separate lines, one line which features dollar signs, and one line that is just plain. I'll see what I can do on my end. But thanks for the offer of help. I might need you later. :-)


Hi there

I only realized a moment ago that I never thanked you for this awesome comment.

Big thx for being always so responsive.

Have a great tuesday buddy,
Yours, Piotr


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