VOTE 'NO TAX' @nathen007 for President


Are you sick of false dawns, falling token and property prices and massively reduced incomes due to ridiculous levels of taxation?

Then vote for me and together let's return @dcity to the people and put a stop this token robbery by the technocratic ruling classes.

I have a dream that one day our @dcity 's will rise up and realise their full potential. That the homeless shall find a home, that the immigrants will be able to finally settle in a functional apartment block and find gainful employment picking fruit on our farms and that those lazy fucking pretentious 'artists' and their plagiarised shite will end up in the '@null' account.

While @gerber polishes his ever-increasing fleet of Lambos, surrounded by the trappings of the wealth that you provided him with, you are increasingly watching the value of your cities collapse and the incomes you once enjoyed being eaten away by the greedy, lazy ruling classes and the obscene collusion granted to successive Presidents who far from being kindly, altruistic rulers have been nothing more than parasitic tax collectors.


A picture of @gerber posing outside his 'luxury home' I found on his secret Instagram account

Let's have a quick look at where your taxes are currently going:-

Education Tax - Increase your chances of getting a useless 'tech' card that can make you 2 extra tokens on a wind farm....seriously, look at what you spent on universities and schools. Has the return been worth it? Has it fuck! Desperate Dcityzens hoping against hope every day for a chance to make their police force 1% more effective. Say BOLLOCKS to Education tax!

Police Tax - Are your casinos, malls and banks still getting robbed on an almost daily basis despite you investing taxes and tokens in a waste of space, state-sponsored, quasi-militarian 'police force'? YES. You're getting robbed and no one cares. Have you ever wondered where those stolen tokens go? Look at that pic of @gerber and his harem again. THAT'S where. I suggest that all the criminals and police in @dcity are in collusion and being bankrolled by @gerber and his ruling classes. Say BOLLOCKS to police tax.

Art Tax - For fucks sake! You pay 'them' 5% of your income every day for what? To get a small chance of having a pretty picture of some fucking pyramids? Are you kidding me? What would you rather see? A bountiful and increasing bank balance or to look out of your apartment window and see a Lake? I rest my case. Say BOLLOCKS to Art tax, get a proper job you lazy artistic wasters.

ECO Tax - 5% of YOUR tokens to get 1..yes just 1 poxy token extra to keep all the hippie, green, hemp wearing, scabbing scroungers happy because you've got a fucking windmill in your garden. Yip - fucking - pee. Buy nuclear, be efficient and earn tokens instead of giving them away to keep the great unwashed earth army happy!! Say BOLLOCKS to ECO tax.

Job Tax - WTF????? Just buy a factory. 40 jobs created, 20 extra income, everyone happy!! It's not rocket science. Why do we need to be taxed to turn immigrants and homeless into workers, scientists and artists.....fucking artists for god's sake? Get 'em working in the factories and earning YOU an income and not the government. Kerchinggggg.....another 5% out of your pocket for nothing. Say BOLLOCKS to Job Tax.

War Tax - Yet another way for the rich who can actually afford to buy Military establishments, to take tokens off the poor who can't afford them. Ten per-fucking-cent a day! Grow your weed, sell your weed and smoke your weed and shag instead of fight. They can't tax shagging!! Say BOLLOCKS to war tax.

We will fight them in the night clubs, we shall fight them in luxury housing estates, we shall fight them in the universities and stadiums and on the farms and we shall defend our tokens whatever the cost until the new normal world, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

But you may ask, what are your credentials for being a President?

Let me tell you this. When I was 7 years old, I was elected president of the school chess club which played in the Wakefield schools regional chess league 4th division. We were bottom. The worst team in the whole area and in just 4 years, until the time I went to high school, we rose up from the bottom of the 4th division to 3rd from top!!! With 5 teams in each division, it was an unprecedented rise in the rankings!
I have also spent the last three weeks studying this book. An amazing and in-depth analysis of @dcity. I did have to google a few of the larger words but this hasn't distracted from my new found all-encompassing knowledge base.


We are sick of being told that high taxes will mean high token prices. Its just a ruse to keep the masses at bay but now is the time to rise up and say....


VOTE FOR 'NO TAXES' @nathen007

and this time next year, you too will be a Lambo driving millionaire.

Go on, you know it makes sense!!


Ah! An alleged photo of @gerber rolling with the honeys. Slick slick. Now that will be interesting, as it may wreck some havoc in the game with 'No Tax' policy. Question is how many of those with majority vested stake willing to risk and witness the outcome of this?

By the way, what's with the quotes on No Taxes? Disclaimers with Terms and conditions applied?


It's all tongue in cheek of course but I thought we might shake things up a little and have some fun!
It's only a game, so let's play :-)


Baby man bad.


I just want to join the greats. Brockman, Bernie, Nathen...:-)
Revolution: The time has come!


Nice writing :) I laughed a lot...That deserves a mandate, imo ;)


Ah ah ahhhh =) very amusing these politics in dCity... enjoying!!
