FATF Freedom or Chains? | Regulations for the Cryptocurrency | Exchanges in Alert


src: klickex.org/es.123rf.com


Every financial organization at a global level must be oriented to contribute to the development of nations according to their economic model and national laws.

The banking entities, international funds, stock exchanges, are monitored by the state to avoid financial illicit, embezzlement or fraud.

Throughout history has always tried to violate the safety of such bodies.
Terrorism and drug trafficking try to launder their capitals in an unscrupulous manner through banks conducting covert operations and complicity with infiltrated mafias in the organization.

Each country and each economy in the world tell their own story, regarding the issue of security and financial vulnerability, adding robust cases of corruption and laundering.

Because it is a sensitive issue and difficult to expose, most of the time they remain behind the scenes in the shadow of impunity.


Decentralization has allowed us to negotiate with cryptocurrencies over the last 10 years, buying and selling bitcoin has become a habitual task in the blockchain despite the financial risks involved in the volatility of cryptography.

In some countries such as China, mining is prohibited, as this process demands an incredible energy consumption while allowing the illicit enrichment of those who obtain the funds through parallel means without financial control,
in addition to exchanges for fiduciary money without any endorsement. auditable

This has caused a domino effect in several nations of the world where the state tries to locate the massive mining carried out with clandestine bitcoin machines that generate incredible profit margins for their holders.


Destabilizing the conscious commerce of cryptocurrencies and correlatively affecting the social media platforms which are prone to regulatory processes, since they are the means of creating the coveted tokens that so many natural persons and large organizations wish to have in their assets.


What is it? How do you contribute to the financial system?:

Fortunately, there is an international body that can contribute to reducing the scourge of embezzlement and theft within the crypto space.

FATF (International Financial Action Task Force); whose function is to establish control policies that help combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, according to the legislation of each country.

Based in Paris, FATF was created in 1989 by the G8, and has since been an intergovernmental institution supported by the European Union with more than 36 member countries with objectives that transcend various fields such as:

Economy, finance, commerce, tourism, as well as technical progress in the industry, establishment of scientific research centers and cooperation of the private sector. Information consulted at: wikipedia.org/FATF



What are your most relevant proposals?:

  • Implementation of legal tools for the authorities for the confiscation of capital proceeds of money laundering.

  • Verification of identity and registration of bank users to avoid suspicious transactions or negotiations outside the law.

  • Process cases of suspicious interoperability or of doubtful origin through financial intelligence agencies.

  • Cooperate internationally with the investigation of money laundering and terrorism.

For more information consult:
FATF Mandate 2012-2020 (Final Version)



Fight against the financing of terrorism and money laundering:

So far FATF has made a logistical and regulatory contribution of forty approved recommendations regarding money laundering, in addition to others aimed at preventing the financing of terrorism.

"The FATF published 9 special recommendations in October 2001 after the attacks of September 11, 2001. In 2004, the FATF published a ninth special recommendation against financing terrorism The special recommendations extend the application of the initial forty recommendations, introducing new requirements related to banking services such as remittances, money transfer by telephone, non-profit organizations (NPOs) and alternative mechanisms money transfer" src: wikipedia

Especially this last part of the quote has caught my attention: "Alternative mechanisms of money transfer", perhaps this is where reference is made to some financing method such as cryptocurrency.

"In any case this happens to be good news within the encryption area because it is a process adjusted to the international law that strengthens the security of cryptographic operations, but nevertheless, it also lights the alarms inside the blockchain because it could put in I play his decentralized character."

FREEDOM OR CHAINS? for the cryptocurrency



Let's keep in mind that encryption is software, a complex computer technology with multiple advantages for the consumer, which is why it is becoming increasingly established as the economic model of the future.

It enjoys the preference of users on a global scale, who can access it from any place and at any time with the use of their intelligent equipment, their personal computer or any other means that allows it, also without restrictions of schedules or collection of large commissions for exchanges, which are characteristic of banks.

  • By limiting public access to cryptographic assets or prohibiting their trade, existing 'exchanges' would be forced to suspend service by restricting the right of the population to have access to innovation and financial technology.
  • If the bottom of the problem seeks to purge the financial system and protect the user from possible fraud, it must also be borne in mind that these actions are detrimental to the investment of the common citizen of the 21st century which has put faith in the cryptocurrency and all its benefits

"Trying to do away with the auditable system of the cryptocurrency would be to suffocate the blockchain and decentralization, so we hope that the interposition of regulatory laws can be carried out in accordance with the reality of the millions of users and companies that today invest digital values with a view to a prosperous future within the chain of blocks."

I'll leave you some interesting questions that could complement the content of this publication, which we could discuss in the comments section:

How do you see the future of the cryptocurrency?
and its possible regulation?

In your country, the use of cryptography is allowed
as a financial means?

Do you think that the FATF should intervene in the financial affairs of the blockchain?

While waiting for this article to be of your liking and can contribute with your knowledge in the area of ​​encryption, I say goodbye.

Credits: @nachomolina
Crypto content developer

The following sources were consulted:






The cover image was edited by the author using PowerPoint 2010

Google translator was used

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We hope that the regulations that are implemented do not affect the free world of cryptographic finances.

Interesting article. Thanks for sharing.


Of course @juanmolina! Sometimes I wonder:

What do they actually do with the bitcoin machines decommissioned?
Maybe they destroy them, and then recycle them as raw material?

That's the problem, nobody knows what purpose exists behind the
regulations and the control you want to exercise over encryption ...
I think maybe someone saw in the cryptocurrency a big gold mine
and now they want to have it in their hands...


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I just hope the regulators. Are for crypto unlike what the guy I. America did then went private.

Posted using Partiko Android


The citizens of the world have the right to technological advancement and the use of new approved financial technologies! Hopefully the FATF take this aspect as something essential ...
Otherwise, it would be to deliver the cryptocurrency as an offering for privatization.
Does not it seem true?


@nachomolina, I think that only time will going to tell how collaboratively Centralised and Decentralised platforms will work. In my opinion the journey is full of excitement.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org


Of course, it's a matter of time before we know what the financial destiny of the cryptocurrency is.
Sometimes when the administration of the financial organisms, economic funds and stock exchanges happens to be regulated by the state, it can be worse "the cure than the disease".
Do not you think this sounds suspicious?

Thanks for your contribution @chireerocks


Welcome and one thing is for sure and that is Domination and Freedom cannot stay at one place and any collaboration between Centralisation and Decentralisation sounds very questionable. But let's wait and see.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi @nachomolina

Great read buddy. upovted already :)

I must admit that I've never heard about FATF so far and I found your publication to have real value to me. Thx for sharing.

ps. the truth is that combating money laundering and antiterrorism is a dirty business and many people out there may end up becoming accidently a target.

Of course I understand the need for such a organizations, but it's scary that any financial connection to money laundering group can cause your business to be shut down without any notice.



Hi piotr!
Great comment

FATF acts mainly as a counselor of nations in the financial area.
She articulates efforts with cooperation agencies and central governments,
to carry out its functions.

"I suppose that fighting directly against the mafias of terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering is already a function of the international intelligence and defense authorities"

Perhaps the cryptocurrency may need greater security mechanisms (some internal regulations), but what is not advisable is that it passes into the hands of the governments, because there it would lose its decentralized character...


Hello, my friend!

It is obvious that it is necessary to have a regulating agency for the amount of scams that have had in the world of the crypt sphere. The problem with FAFT is that they want to exist a person/currency relationship, that is, they want the addresses of a cryptocurrency to add a user ID as well. In this way, they know who receives and who sends digital money. It is crazy because it goes against the concepts of decentralization and blockchain security.

Thanks for sharing


Absolutely agree with you @jadams2k18, from the beginning I said that there could be a way to monitor the cryptocurrency without removing its character of anonymity. Now FATF wants to enter the backbone of decentralization to get an X-ray of everyone who uses the blockchain, "That sounds strange."

Would not the auditable record produced by each transaction serve you?

Can not it be useful to track the habits or the behavior of the operations carried out by a user that may generate suspicion?

Well no, I have been able to account according to the suggestions issued in the 2012-2020 mandate that they want is to take over the complete system and manage the blockchain as a centralized standard.

Thanks for your opinion!


That's correct my friend. FATF, the new sheriff in town... 😉


How do you see the future of the cryptocurrency, and its possible regulation?

I think that cryptocurrency will continue its march on to de-centralization and encryption to the point where no agency can keep up with it. I further believe the the fiat money controllers are terrified of what they see happening. If I can buy food for STEEM, without going through and exchange even, how would they ever be able to track it. If all the little people had no need of fiat, there system would crash.

The majority of terrorism is state sponsored, so the sooner the money is pulled out from under them, the better.


wow! @bxlphabet,
I would say that since the invention of money, that day also invented the way to cheat!
I also believe, like you, that the cryptocurrency has been massively adopted throughout the world, so the fiduciary money has been displaced in a certain way.
Ok, the mafias have always been infiltrated in the financial system and even today they continue to wreak havoc with local money, so I ask myself:

The FATF wants to seize the mobsters or want to cryptocurrency?

Why, perhaps?, could you offer blockchain guidelines and be vigilant that they comply with the exchange regulations in a clean and transparent way?

But no, these gentlemen want to intervene with virtual financial service providers and decide who can work and who can not work. Well I read that in the 2012-2020 mandate issued by them in the month of June ...

Thanks for your contribution,
until next time! :(


There's nothing like absolute freedom so I think there should definitely be a way where the blockchain is checked. I just hope that doesn't also mean controlled.


Cryptocurrency will be the regulation. Public ledgers.


Thank you for the memo =) I am glad I read your write up as I learned about FATF. I think it will take a little longer before cryptocurrency marketing attains some stability and freedom unlike now where some countries are banning the trading and mining. I feel it is unfair to the investors as they get into a state of confusion where they wonder whether to invest or not due to the uncertainty. A governing body and regulations in the cryptocurrency world is important but I believe it should not be to the extent of banning it altogether like it is being done in some countries.


No problem you can mine and use/spend as long as you pay the sky high electricity bill and find a place where to spend it. So far you can only by cannabis with bitcoin and no you are not anonymous but the seller is. Your ID, bank account etc is al registered and you have to pay tax over it.


Wow, comment!
Thanks for sharing your opinion...
