Will crypto succeed?



I was thinking today about crypto. I still have a lot of doubts, as there is none really decentralized. None that I can think of. Most influence is decided by stake.

As in here, one can have a good idea, if it does not apply to the top10 it will not get through. Human nature is mostly survival of the fittest and the ones who have a small advantage rule.

Well, yes, I don't see how a crypto can be fully independent and without a human nature influence.

It mind sound pessimistic, but it is more realism in my thoughts.

Most cryptos are expensive to run, well there will be new technologies, but we need to see a purpose for them. The hype from 2017 is gone, a lot of people left in 2018, when they lost a fortune.

A crpyto can't replace fiat now, they need to sustain millions of transactions a second, need to be fast enough, not to block the financial system and not be hacked.

There are a lot of solutions needed to make it viable.

Do I think it is possible? Yes! We will see it in this decade? Probably not.

How do you see it? I'm quite curious.


That tps bullshit. You of all people should know better.
Visit next Stammtisch and I show you how geil BTC+lighning inzwischen ist :D


Hi Alex!
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